Unde mancam in … Cluj – Napoca


Cei de la Cimbru sunt cunostinte mai vechi, prima noastra intalnire avand loc acum ceva ani, pe cand ei veneau cu celebrul lor food truck in vizita la noi, delectandu-ne cu burgeri cu steak de vita si cartofi cu parmezan. Am ramas prieteni cu preparatele lor gustoase si de cate ori am avut ocazia, le-am intors vizita, in locatia lor faina din strada Decebal 37. Am ales sa scriu categoria „Unde mancam in … Cluj – Napoca?” despre ultima vizita la Cimbru, o experienta tare placuta din toate punctele de vedere.

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Ajunsa la Cluj cu treaba importanta si bilete la Discoteca, intr-un weekend de septembrie care isi pastrase inca straiele vaporoase de vara, am decis ca cel mai potrivit mod de conectare la urbe ar fi o vizita pe terasa restaurantului preferat.

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

De altfel, de fiecare data am stat doar pe terasa, una foarte cocheta, colorata, vie, vibranta, plina de oameni faini. Este genul de locatie in care aproape in fiecare coltisor vei gasi cate un detaliu pe care sa ti-l doresti sa il pastrezi ca amintere in vreo postare pe care sa o revezi apoi cu placere.

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Si acum despre preparate! Cimbru este genul de restaurant in care, uitandu-te in meniu, descoperi pe loc trei-patru preparate pe care ai dori sa le incerci.

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Din meniul de weekend imi faceau cu ochiul niste creveti si o caracatita la jar dar as fi incercat si o dorada. Orientati si simpatici, cei de la Cimbru au compus un platou cu fructe de mare la jar care le continea pe toate si bonus doua garnituri! Absolut delicios!

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Surpriza cea mare a venit la final impreuna cu desertul zilei unde am primit o ciocolata de casa absolut senzationala, singura care a putut sa rivalizeze vreodata cu cea pregatita de mama in copilarie. Textura usor cleioasa si gustul familiar al deliciosului desert din copilarie m-au teleportat instant in perioada lipsita de griji.

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Tare de tot a fost experienta, pentru ca tare fain ii Cluju’, dar mai fain ii Cimbru din el!

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Unde mancam in ... Cluj - Napoca

Daca v-a placut recomandarea „Unde mancam in … Cluj – Napoca”, va invit la masa si in:

Sfantu Gheorghe

English version

Where to Eat in … Cluj – Napoca

The people from Cimbru are older acquaintances, our first meeting took place a few years ago, when they came to visit us with their famous food truck, delighting us with burgers with steak and potatoes with parmesan. We remained friends with their tasty dishes and every time I had the opportunity, I returned their visit, in their fine location in Decebal street 37. I chose to write the category „Where do we eat in … Cluj?”

About the last visit to Cimbru, a very pleasant experience from all points of view.
Arriving in Cluj with important work and tickets to the Disco, on a September weekend that still had its steamy summer clothes, I decided that the most appropriate way to connect to the city would be a visit to the terrace of my favorite restaurant.

In fact, each time I stayed only on the terrace, a very chic, colorful, lively, vibrant one, full of nice people. It is the kind of location where almost in every corner you will find a detail that you would like to keep as a memory in some post that you can revisit later with pleasure.

And now about the dishes! Cimbru is the kind of restaurant where, looking at the menu, you immediately discover three or four dishes that you would like to try. From the weekend menu, I was eyeing some shrimps and a grilled octopus, but I would also have tried a sea bream. Oriented and friendly, the people from Cimbru composed a grilled seafood platter that contained all of them and two side dishes as a bonus! Absolutely delicious!

The biggest surprise came at the end with the dessert of the day, where I received an absolutely sensational homemade chocolate, the only one that could ever compete with the one prepared by my mother in childhood. The slightly sticky texture and the familiar taste of the delicious dessert from my childhood instantly transported me to a carefree time.

It was a great experience, because I really like Cluj, but I like Cimbru even more!

If you liked the recommendation „Where to eat in … Cluj – Napoca”, I invite you to the table in Sfantu Gheorghe, Bran or Sibiu.


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