Aceasta reteta de Vinete Fatteh reprezinta un clasic al bucatariei Orientului Mijlociu. Este una dintre mancarurile mele preferate pentru ca este usor de pregatit, iar combinatia de arome este absolut senzationala. Lipiile crocante, vinetele savuroase si un sos de iaurt cu tahini si usturoi vor genera cu siguranta dependenta. Veti face reteta asta o data si inca o data si inca o data, fara sa va plicisiti de ea.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 2 vinete / 2 eggplants
- 1 lingurita za’atar / 1 teaspoon za’atar
- 1 lingurita paprika dulce / 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
- 1/4 lingurita fulgi de chilli / 1/4 teaspoon chilli flakes
- 250 grame iaurt grecesc / 250 grams greek yogurt
- 1 lingura tahini / 1 tablespoon tahini
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 4 lipii / 4 pita breads
- 1 lingurita sumak / 1 teaspoon sumak
- 1 rodie / 1 pomegranate
- 2 linguri seminte de pin / 2 tablespoons pine seeds
- 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 linguri melasa de rodie / 2 tablespoons of pomegranate molasses
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde / 2 tablespoons parsley
- Sare / Salt
Desi par multe ingrediente, metoda de preparare este foarte usoara. Incepem cu vinetele, le spalam bine apoi le taiem in cuburi. Presaram cu sare si lasam la scurs intr-o strecuratoare, timp de o ora. La expirarea timpului presam usor cu mana si le rasturnam intr-o tava. Presaram za’atar, paprika, fulgi de chilli si adaugam 3 linguri ulei de masline. Amestecam bine si introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 179 grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute pana cand vinetele sunt usor rumenite.
Intre timp pregatim sosul de iaurt. Amestecam iaurtul grecesc cu sare, tahini, usturoiul zdrobit, sucul de lamaie si 1 lingura de ulei de masline. Pastram la rece.
Taiem lipiile in cubulete mici, le presaram cu sumak, fulgi de chilli si 1 lingura de ulei de masline si le coacem timp de 5 minute amestecand constant, pana obtinem crutoane crocante.
Pe un platou asezam lipia crocanta, cubulete de vinetele coapte, sosul de iaurt si decoram cu seminte de rodie, seminte de pin prajite usor in tigaie si patrunjel verde.
Stropim cu melasa de rodie si ulei de masline si servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un pahar de Recas Muse Night, un cupaj roze demisec cu aciditate vibranta perfect echilibrata de aromele de fructe confiate din postgust.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Vinete Fatteh, va recomand sa incercati si o Salata de Vinete cu usturoi copt, Vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt sau Vinete cu sos harissa si crema de feta.
English version
Fatteh Eggplant
This Fatteh Eggplant recipe is a classic of Middle Eastern cuisine. It is one of my favorite dishes because it is easy to prepare, and the combination of flavors is absolutely brilliant. Crispy pita bread, tasty eggplants and a yogurt sauce with tahini and garlic will definitely generate addiction. You will make this recipe again and again and again, without getting tired of it.
Although it seems like a lot of ingredients, the preparation method is very easy. Start with the eggplants, wash them well and then cut them into cubes. Sprinkle with salt and leave to drain in a colander for an hour. At the end of the time, gently press with the hand and turn them over in a tray. Sprinkle za’atar, paprika, chili flakes and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well and put the tray in the hot oven for 30 minutes until the eggplants are slightly browned.
In the meantime, prepare the yogurt sauce. Mix the Greek yogurt with salt, tahini, crushed garlic, lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Keep it cold.
Cut the pita bread into small cubes, sprinkle them with sumac, chili flakes and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and bake them for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until get crispy croutons.
On a plate, place the crispy bread, baked eggplant, the yogurt sauce and decorate with pomegranate seeds, pine seeds lightly fried in the pan and green parsley.
Drizzle with pomegranate molasses and olive oil and serve with great appetite alongside with a glass of Recas Muse Night, a rosé blend with vibrant acidity perfectly balanced by the candied fruit flavors in the aftertaste.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Fatteh Eggplant recipe, I recommend you also try an Eggplant Salad with baked garlic, Baked Eggplant with veal and yogurt sauce, or Eggplant with harissa sauce and feta cream.
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