Vinete marinate este o reteta pentru un aperitiv grozav atat pentru perioada de post, cat si pentru masa festiva de sarbatori. Versiunea prajita a acestor vinete este bine cunoscuta, insa astazi va recomand sa incercati o varianta mai dietetica dar la fel de gustoasa.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 kg vinete / 1 kg eggplants
- 5 lingurite sare / 5 teaspoons salt
- 2 cani apa / 2 cups water
- 1/2 cana otet alb / 1/2 cup white vinegar
- 2 linguri zahar / 2 tablespoons sugar
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 3 linguri patrunjel verde / 3 tablespoons parsley
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil

Pentru preparea acestei retete eu am ales vinete subtiri, insa puteti folosi orice fel de vanata. Spalam vinetele si le taiem in rondele de 7-8 cm, le feliem pe lung si apoi le taiem in bastonase. Le asezam intr-un bol si le presaram din belsug cu 5 lingurite de sare. Amestecam bine, acoperim cu un capac si le lasam 8 ore la rece.
Intr-o cratita punem la fiert apa, otetul, zaharul si putina sare. In momentul in care fierbe, adaugam vinetele scurse si presate foarte bine. Le fierbem timp de 8 minute, le scurgem si le rasturnam intr-un bol. Adaugam usturoiul zdrobit, patrunjel taiat fin si ulei de masline. Asezam amestecul in borcane si turnam deasupra ulei de masline.

Lasam la marinat minim 24 ore si le putem servi pe felii de paine prajita sau pe un platou de aperitive alaturi de branzeturi si mezeluri.

Daca v-a placut reteta de vinete marinate, puteti incerca si vinete Panzanella sau vinete coapte cu muschi de vita si sos de iaurt.
English version
Marinated Eggplants
Marinated eggplant is a recipe for a great appetizer for both: vegetarians and the festive holiday table. The fried version of these eggplants is well known, but today I recommend you try a more dietary version but just as tasty.
For the preparation of this recipe I chose thin eggplant, but you can use any kind of eggplant. Wash the eggplants and cut them into 7-8 cm rounds, slice them lengthwise and then cut them into sticks. Place them in a bowl and sprinkle them abundantly with 5 teaspoons of salt. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to rest for 8 hours in the fridge.
In a saucepan, boil water, vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt. When it boils, add the drained and pressed eggplant very well. Boil them for 8 minutes, drain and pour into a bowl. Add the crushed garlic, finely chopped parsley and olive oil. Place the mixture in jars and pour olive oil on top.
Let marinate for at least 24 hours and serve them on slices of toast bread or on a plate of appetizers with cheese and sausages.
If you liked the marinated eggplant recipe, you can also try Panzanella eggplant or baked eggplant with veal and yogurt sauce.
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