Vitello tonnato


Am incercat pentru prima data acest aperitiv intr-un restaurant cu specific italian. Desi combinatia de vita si ton mi s-a parut bizara, i-am dat totusi o sansa. Este o combinatie extraordinara de arome si va recomand sa o incercati, fie la restaurant, fie acasa.

Feliile subtiri de carne de vita gatite “medium rare” acoperite cu un sos delicios de ton vor garanta succesul unui bufet de aperitive, a carui inspiratie o puteti gasi aici.


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

  • 300 grame muschi de vita / 300 grams veal tenderloin
  • 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 100 grame ton in conserva / 100 grams tuna canned
  • 2 capere mari / 2 capers
  • 3 file-uri ansoa / 3 anchovies
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 lingura de ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 linguri maioneza de casa / 3 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
  • Sare / Salt

Cel mai important pas este pregatitea carnii de vita. Mie personal imi place carnea de vita gatita “medium rare”. Pentru vitello tonnato, am presarat carnea cu oregano si sare si am lasat-o la temperatura camerei timp de 2 ore. Apoi am incins gratarul (fara adaos de grasime) si am prajit carnea cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte (in total 12 minute). Am vidat apoi bucata de carne si am preparat-o la abur timp de 30 de minute. Alternativa vidatului si a pregatirii la steamer, este introducerea carnii la cuptor intr-un vas cu capac la 150 grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute. Dupa ce carnea este gata, o lasam la rece pana a doua zi pentru a reusi sa o feliem subtire.

Pentru sosul tonatto, scurgem o conserva de ton si o punem in blender. Adaugam ansoa, capere, suc de lamaie si ulei de masline. Mixam timp de cateva secunde pana cand obtinem o pasta fina. La sfarsit adaugam maioneza si incorporam usor cu ajutorul unei linguri.

Servim carnea de vita rece feliata subtire cu sos delicios de ton si capere.

English version:

I tried this appetizer for the first time in an Italian restaurant. Although the combination of beef and tuna seemed unique to me, I still gave it a try. It is an extraordinary combination of flavors and I recommend you try it, either at the restaurant or at home.

Thin slices of „medium rare” cooked beef covered with a delicious tuna sauce will guarantee the success of an appetizer buffet.

The most important step is to prepare the veal. I personally like „medium rare” cooked veal. For the vitello tonnato, I sprinkled the meat with oregano and salt and left it at room temperature for 2 hours. Then I heated the grill (without adding any fat) and I fried the meat for 2 minutes on each side (a total of 12 minutes). Then vacuumed the piece of meat and steamed it for 30 minutes. The alternative to vacuuming and steaming is to put the meat in the oven in a tray with a lid at 150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. After the meat is ready, let it cool until the next day to be able to slice it thinly.

For the tonatto sauce, drain a can of tuna and put it in a blender. Add anchovies, capers, lemon juice and olive oil. Mix for a few seconds until you get a fine paste. At the end add mayonnaise and incorporate lightly with a spoon.

Serve thinly sliced cold beef with delicious tuna sauce and capers.


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