Reteta noastra de rulada de curcan cu iz usor afumat iti va transforma masa intr-un adevarat festin gastronomic. Cu o combinatie atent selectata de ingrediente si o tehnica simpla, vei putea pregati aceasta delicatesa pentru cei dragi. Aceasta rulada este perfecta atat pentru mesele festive ca aperitiv cat si ca ingredient principal intr-un sandwich pentru scoala sau serviciu. Pentru aceasta rulada perfect frageda si aromata, care va cuceri cu siguranta papilele gustative ale tuturor invitatiilor tai, am avut ca sursa de inspiratie retetele minunate ale doamnei Laura Laurentiu.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 12 portii)
- 400 grame piept de curcan
- 400 grame pulpa de curcan
- 400 grame ciolan de curcan afumat
- 10 grame zahar
- 150 ml apa
- 1 lingurita pudra de usturoi
- 1 lingurita paprika dulce
- 1/2 lingurita fulgi de chilli
- 1 lingurita oregano
- 20 grame sare

Taiem carnea de curcan in cubulete de aproximativ 2 cm x 2 cm. Intr-un pahar amestecam apa cu sarea si zaharul pana cand acestea sunt dizolvate. Rasturnam peste carnea de curcan si adaugam deasupra restul condimentelor.
Mixam foarte bine carnea, timp de 10 minute cu ajutorul unui mixer sau daca nu detinem amestecam energic cu mana. Lasam apoi carnea la marinat la frigider timp de 12 ore.

La expirarea timpului, trecem prin masina de tocat carne jumatate din cantitate si apoi mixam din nou timp de 10 minute. Lasam la odihnit la temperatura camerei timp de o ora.
Umezim doua foi de copt cu apa rece si impartim compozitia de carne in doua parti egale pe care le modelam sub forma de rulou. Impachetam strans in hartie de copt si legam cu ajutorul unei sfori alimentare.

Introducem ruladele in cuptorul incins la 160 grade Celsius pentru 25 minute, apoi reducem temperatura la 130 grade Celsius si mai lasam la cuptor timp de aproximativ 30 – 40 de minute, pana cand temperatura interioara a ruladei ajunge la 80 grade Celsius.
Lasam la racit pe un gratar metalic, apoi il servim feliat cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit.
Servim cu paine taraneasca proaspata si mult mustar.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Rulada de curcan, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Turkey Salami
Our recipe for turkey roll with slightly smoked aroma will turn your meal into a real gastronomic feast. With a carefully selected combination of ingredients and a simple technique, you will be able to prepare this delicacy for your loved ones. This roll is perfect both for festive meals as an appetizer and as the main ingredient in a sandwich for school or work. For this perfectly tender and aromatic roulade, which will surely conquer the taste buds of all your guests, I had as a source of inspiration the wonderful recipes of Mrs. Laura Laurentiu.
INGREDIENTS (for 12 servings)
- 400 grams turkey breast
- 400 grams turkey leg
- 400 grams smoked turkey leg
- 10 grams sugar
- 150 ml water
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon chili flakes
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 20 grams salt
Cut the turkey meat into cubes of approximately 2 cm x 2 cm. In a glass, mix water with salt and sugar until they are dissolved. Pour over the turkey meat and add the rest of the spices on top.
Mix the meat very well for 10 minutes with the help of a mixer or if you don’t have one, mix vigorously by hand. Then leave the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
At the end of the time, pass half of the quantity through the meat grinder and then mix again for 10 minutes. Let it rest at room temperature for an hour.
Wet 2 baking sheets with cold water and divide the meat composition into two equal parts, which we shape into a roll. Wrap tightly in baking paper and tie with a food string.
Place the rolls in the oven heated to 160 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 130 degrees Celsius and leave in the oven for approximately 30 – 40 minutes, until the internal temperature of the roll reaches 80 degrees Celsius.
Let it cool on a metal grill, then serve it sliced with a sharp knife.
Serve with fresh peasant bread and mustard.
If you liked the Turkey Roll recipe, I invite you to try a Poultry Liver Pate, Mushrooms with garlic mayonnaise or Romanian Deviled Eggs (with Liver Pate).
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