Paris-Brest, un desert clasic francez, este o celebrare a maiestriei patiseriei si a gusturilor rafinate. Acest desert rotund, creat in onoarea cursei de ciclism Paris-Brest-Paris, simbolizeaza roata unei biciclete, iar gustul sau bogat si textura sa aerata il transforma in dulcele suprem. Paris-Brest nu este doar un desert, este o experienta care imbina traditia cu inovatia, gustul cu estetica. Este o invitatie de a savura istoria si pasiunea care se ascund in spatele fiecarei muscaturi. Indrazneste sa te pierzi in aceasta poveste de dragoste culinara si sa descoperi de ce Paris-Brest continua să fie un simbol al elegantei patiseriei franceze.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
Pentru crema de patiserie:
- 375 grame lapte
- 15 grame unt
- 3 oua
- 30 grame zahar
- 75 grame amidon de porumb
Pentru crema de praline:
- 220 grame de alune de padure coapte
- 250 grame zahar
- 70 grame apa
Pentru aluatul de choux si crema cu alune:
- 150 grame apa
- 80 grame unt taiat cuburi
- 1 praf de sare
- 2 lingurite zahar
- 120 grame faina
- 4 oua mici
- 230 grame smantana dulce pentru frisca
Pentru glazura:
- 10 grame zahar brun
- 85 grame zahar pudra
- 1 lingurita vanilie
- 30 grame apa fierbinte
Pentru crema de patiserie punem in bol laptele, untul, ouale, zaharul si amidonul si fierbem timp de 15 minute pana cand crema se ingroasa. Punem crema intr-un bol, acoperim cu o folie alimentara si lasam sa se raceasca complet, apoi o introducem la frigider pentru cateva ore.
Pentru pasta de praline tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt. Asezam alunele pe un singur strat in tava de copt, fara a lasa spatiu intre acestea. Punem intr-o craticioara zaharul si apa si lasam pe foc pana se caramelizeaza. Turnam imediat caramelul peste alune si lasam la racit, apoi rupem stratul de alune pralinate in bucati mari si il mixam.
Pentru aluatul de choux, punem intr-o cratita apa, untul, sarea si zaharul si fierbem timp de 5 minute. Adaugam imediat faina si amestecam cu ajutorul unui mixer. Dam deoparte si lasam sa se raceasca timp de 10 minute, apoi adaugam pe rand ouale, mixand in continuu.
Intre timp preincalzim cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius si tapetam o tava mare cu hartie de copt si dam deoparte. Trasam pe hartia de copt 8 cercuri cu diametrul de 8 cm.
Transferam aluatul de choux intr-un pos cu dui in forma de stea. Cu ajutorul posului, formam 8 cercuri de aluat, urmand contururile trasate pe hartia de copt. Coacem timp de 20 minute la 200 grade Celsius, apoi reducem temperatura cuptorului la 170 grade Celsius. Scoatem din cuptor tava cu choux si intepam baza acestora de cate 4-5 ori cu un bat de frigaruie. Punem tava inapoi in cuptor si coacem inca 10 minute, pana cand aluatul devine solid si crocant. Transferam choux pe un gratar si le lasam sa se raceasca.
Intr-un bol punem smantana pentru frisca si batem pana obtinem o consistenta tare, avand grija sa nu batem excesiv. Intr-un alt bol amestecam crema de patiserie cu 3/4 din cantitatea de alune caramelizate si amestecam, apoi adaugam frisca batuta si omogenizam. Pastram la rece.
Intr-o craticioara amestecam zaharul brun cu zaharul pudra, vanilia si apa fierbinte si fierbem pana cand zaharul este topit.
Cu un cutit cu lama zimtata, taiem choux-urile in jumatati pe orizontala. Cu o pensula de bucatarie, ungem capacele de choux cu glazura preparata, apoi le presaram cu alunele pralinate zdrobite ramase. Dam deoparte pentru a se raci si intari.
Punem crema de alune intr-un pos si decoram bazele choux-urile, presam restul de alune pralinate si punem deasupra capacele de choux.
Servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un cappuccino fierbinte.
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English version
Paris-Brest, a classic French dessert, is a celebration of pastry mastery and refined tastes. This round dessert, created in honor of the Paris-Brest-Paris cycling race, symbolizes the wheel of a bicycle, and its rich taste and airy texture make it the ultimate dessert. Paris-Brest is not just a dessert, it is an experience that combines tradition with innovation, taste with aesthetics. It is an invitation to enjoy the history and passion that are hidden behind each bite. Dare to get lost in this culinary love story and discover why Paris-Brest continues to be a symbol of elegant French pastry.
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
For the pastry cream:
- 375 grams milk
- 15 grams butter
- 3 eggs
- 30 grams sugar
- 75 grams corn starch
For the praline cream:
- 220 grams baked hazelnuts
- 250 grams sugar
- 70 grams water
For the choux pastry and hazelnut cream:
- 150 grams water
- 80 grams butter
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 120 grams flour
- 4 small eggs
- 230 grams double cream for the whipped cream
For the glaze:
- 10 grams brown sugar
- 85 grams powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 30 grams hot water
For the pastry cream, put the milk, butter, eggs, sugar and starch in a bowl and boil for 15 minutes until the cream thickens. Put the cream in a bowl, cover with cling film and let it cool completely, then introduce it in the fridge for a few hours.
For the praline paste, line a tray with baking paper. Place the hazelnuts on a single layer in the baking tray, leaving no space between them. Put the sugar and water in a saucepan and leave it on the fire until it caramelizes. Immediately pour the caramel over the hazelnuts and leave to cool, then break the praline hazelnut layer into large pieces and mix it.
For the choux pastry, put water, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. Add the flour immediately and mix with a mixer. Set aside and let it cool for 10 minutes, then add the eggs one by one, mixing continuously.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line a large tray with baking paper and set aside. Draw 8 circles with a diameter of 8 cm on the baking paper.
Transfer the choux dough into a star-shaped bowl. With the help of the posh form 8 circles of dough, following the contours drawn on the baking paper. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, then reduce the oven temperature to 170 degrees Celsius. Take the choux tray out of the oven and pierce the base 4-5 times with a skewer. Put the pan back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes, until the dough becomes solid and crispy. Transfer the choux to a grill and let them cool.
Put the cream for the whipping cream in a bowl and beat until you get a thick consistency, being careful not to overbeat. In another bowl, mix the pastry cream with 3/4 of the amount of caramelized hazelnuts and mix, then add the whipped cream and homogenize. We keep it cold.
In a saucepan, mix brown sugar with powdered sugar, vanilla and hot water and boil until the sugar is melted.
With a knife with a serrated blade, cut the choux in half horizontally. With a kitchen brush, brush the choux lids with the prepared glaze, then sprinkle them with the remaining crushed praline hazelnuts. Set aside to cool and harden.
Put the hazelnut cream in a bowl and decorate the choux bases, press the remaining praline hazelnuts and put the choux caps on top.
Serve with great appetite alongside a hot cappuccino.
If you liked the Paris-Brest recipe, I invite you to try a Pancake Cake with Mascarpone Cream, a Lemon Pie Cremsnit or Mini Savarins.
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