Salata de vinete


Una dintre retetele consacrate ale bucatariei romanesti este salata de vinete. Imi aduc aminte, din vremea pe cand eram copil, ca aroma vinetelor coapte se raspandea in toata scara blocului cat era vara de lunga. Astazi putem achizitiona vinete pe tot parcursul anului, insa tot cele romanesti raman preferatele noastre. Asadar, nu este de mirare ca inca mai umplem sertarele congelatorului cu vinete coapte pentru a ne bucura de o salata clasica pe tot parcursul anului. Cu paine proaspata si niste rosii gustoase, salata de vinete va avea mereu un loc special rezervat pe masa noastra.

Salata de vinete

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 1 kg de vinete
  • 100 ml ulei
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie
  • 1 ceapa alba
  • Sare
Salata de vinete

Curatam bine vinetele si le coacem la gratar. Dupa ce le lasam sa se scurga, le taiem marunt. Personal, eu prefer sa folosesc un cutit de lemn pentru aceasta operatiune, insa in cazul in care sunt grabita, un cutit obisnuit isi face treaba la fel de bine.

Salata de vinete

Intr-un vas mare, rasturnam vinetele si le presaram cu sare. Le amestecam folosind un mixer de mana, adaugand treptat uleiul si o lingura de suc de lamaie pentru a obtine o consistenta omogena. Mai potrivim de sare daca este nevoie.

Taiem ceapa marunt si o presaram cu putina sare si suc de lamaie. Amestecam totul bine pentru a incorpora ingredientele.

Salata de vinete

Salata de vinete o putem servi alaturi de legume proaspete si un platou cu branzeturi si mezeluri traditionale romanesti.

Salata de vinete

Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata de vinete, va invit sa incercati si:

Salata de vinete cu chips de parmezan
Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii
Doua vinete, doua salate

English version

Eggplant Salad

One of the best recipes of Romanian cuisine is eggplant salad. I remember, when I was a child, the aroma of eggplants spread throughout the entire staircase of the block during the long summer. Today, we can buy eggplants throughout the year, but the Romanian ones remain our favorites. Therefore, it is not surprising that we still fill the freezer drawers with backed eggplants to enjoy a classic salad all year. With fresh bread and some tasty tomatoes, eggplant salad will always have a special place on our table.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 1 kg of eggplant
  • 100 ml of oil
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 white onion
  • Salt

Clean the eggplants well and bake them on the grill. After we let them drain, cut them into small pieces. Personally, I prefer to use a wooden knife for this operation, but if I’m in a hurry, an ordinary knife does the job just as well.

In a large bowl, pour the eggplants and sprinkle them with salt. Mix them using a hand mixer, gradually adding the oil and a spoonful of lemon juice to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Add more salt if needed.

Finely chop the onion and sprinkle it with a little salt and lemon juice. Mix everything well to incorporate the ingredients.

Eggplant salad can be served with fresh vegetables and a platter of traditional Romanian cheeses and charcuterie.

If you liked the eggplant salad recipe, I invite you to try Eggplant Salad with Parmesan Chips, Eggplant Salad with Baked Peppers and Tomato Chutney or Two Eggplants, Two Salads.


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