Ce poate sa fie mai bun decat un platou romanesc cu multe legume si branzeturi? Ne gandim de multe ori cu ce putem sa impresionam musafirii sau chiar familia. Nu trebuie sa alegem neaparat preparate foarte complicate, insa alegem, pe cat posibil, local, fie de la micii producatori, fie culese din gradina noastra si conservate peste iarna.
Asadar, sa fie vinete coapte pe gratar in vara, mozzarella de la Laptareasa din Tohan, oua de prepelita murate de la Prepelitele lui Dan, rosii, ridichi, ardei, masline presarate cu oregano si desigur, ceapa rosie.
Reteta salatei de vinete o gasiti aici, iar cea a oualelor de prepelita murate aici.
Servim cu multa pofta si ne bucuram de fiecare aroma si culoare!
English version
What could be better than a Romanian platter with lots of vegetables and cheeses? We often think about how we can impress our guests or even our family. We do not necessarily have to choose very complicated dishes, but we choose, as much as possible, locally, either from small producers or picked from our garden and preserved over the winter.
So, let it be grilled eggplants from the summer time, mozzarella from Laptareasa din Tohan, pickled quail eggs from Prepelitele lui Dan, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, olives sprinkled with oregano and of course, red onions.
You can find the recipe for eggplant salad here, and the one for pickled quail eggs here.
Serve with a lot of appetite and enjoy every flavour and color!