Astazi sarbatorim Ziua Internatioanala a Hummus-ului.
De ce hummus?
Deoarece este extrem de usor de gatit. Este necesar sa aveti un robot de bucatarie sau un blender, o cutie de naut conservat, ulei de măsline, usturoi, tahini, suc de lamaie si sare.
Hummus-ul este extrem de versatil putand fi asociat cu legume crude (morcovi, telina apio, ardei, castraveti) sau in diverse combinatii orientale.
- 1 conserva naut / 1 canned chickpeas
- 5 linguri ulei de masline / 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 lingura tahini / 1 tablespoon tahini
- 3 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice
- Sare / Salt
- Sumak / Sumak
- Za’atar / Za’atar
Scurgem nautul si il clatim usor. Punem toate ingredientele in blender sau in robot si le mixam. In cazul in care amestecul este prea ferm adaugam cate putina apa minerala.
English version
Drain the chickpeas and rinse lightly. Put all the ingredients in a blender or robot and mix them. If the mixture is too firm, add a few drops of mineral water.
The hummus is extremely easy to cook. It is necessary to have a food processor or a simple blender, a can of canned chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, tahini, lemon juice and salt.
Hummus is extremely versatile and can be associated with raw vegetables (carrots, celery, peppers, cucumbers) or in various oriental combinations.