Daca esti in cautarea unui aperitiv savuros, usor de preparat si ideal pentru orice ocazie, rulada de spanac cu crema de branza si sunca este alegerea perfecta. Aceasta reteta combina gustul delicat al baby spanacului cu branza cremoasa si felii subtiri de sunca de pui, oferindu-ti un preparat bogat in proteine si vitamine. Textura pufoasa a blatului din spanac se imbina perfect cu umplutura catifelata de branza Almette cu smantana, creand o armonie de arome care cu siguranta va cuceri toti invitatii. In plus, aceasta rulada nu doar ca arata spectaculos, dar este si extrem de gustoasa, fiind potrivita atat pentru mesele de sarbatoare, cat si pentru gustarile din timpul saptamanii. Hai sa descoperim impreuna cum o poti pregati, avand nevoie de doar cateva ingrediente simple!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 100 grame baby spanac
- 3 oua
- 50 grame parmezan
- 150 grame crema de branza Almette cu smantana
- 8 felii sunca de pui
- Sare
In vasul unui blender adaugam spanacul, sarea si ouale, apoi mixam bine pana obtinem o compozitie omogena. Dupa aceea, incorporam parmezanul ras si mai mixam cateva secunde pentru a integra ingredientele. Turnam compozitia obtinuta intr-o tava (20 x 25 cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt si o introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru aproximativ 15 minute, pana cand blatul de spanac devine ferm.
Dupa ce scoatem tava din cuptor, rasturnam rulada pe un fund de lemn. Indepartam cu grija hartia de copt, dar o pastram pentru a rula foaia de spanac cat inca este calda. Infasuram rulada strans in hartia de copt si o lasam sa se raceasca complet.
Cand blatul s-a racit, il desfacem cu atentie si il ungem cu un strat generos de crema de branza. Asezam feliile de sunca de pui peste crema, rulam din nou strans si dam rulada la rece pentru cateva ore, pentru a se intari si a-si pastra forma.
Rulada se serveste rece, fiind ideala ca aperitiv sau pentru un mic dejun savuros.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Rulada de spanac cu crema de branza si sunca, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Spinach Roll with Cream cheese and Ham
If you are looking for a tasty appetizer, easy to prepare and ideal for any occasion, the spinach roll with cream cheese and ham is the perfect choice. This recipe combines the delicate taste of baby spinach with creamy cream cheese and thin slices of chicken ham, offering you a dish rich in proteins and vitamins. The fluffy texture of the spinach top combines perfectly with the velvety filling of Almette cheese and cream, creating a harmony of flavors that will surely conquer all the guests. In addition, this roll not only looks spectacular, but is also extremely tasty, being suitable both for festive meals and for snacks during the week. Let’s discover together how you can prepare it, needing only a few simple ingredients!
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 100 grams baby spinach
- 3 eggs
- 50 grams parmesan
- 150 grams cream cheese
- 8 slices chicken ham
- Salt
In the bowl of a blender, add the spinach, salt and eggs, then mix well until you get a homogeneous composition. After that, add the grated parmesan and mix for a few seconds to integrate the ingredients. Pour the obtained composition into a pan (20 x25 cm) lined with baking paper and put it in the oven preheated to 180°C for about 15 minutes, until the spinach top becomes firm.
After removing the pan from the oven, turn the roll over on a wooden bottom. Carefully remove the baking paper, but keep it to roll the spinach sheet while it is still warm. Wrap the roll tightly in baking paper and let it cool completely.
When the top has cooled, carefully unfold it and spread a generous layer of cream cheese. Place the slices of chicken ham on top of the cream, roll tightly again and refrigerate the roll for a few hours, to harden and keep its shape.
The roulade is served cold, being ideal as an aperitif or for a tasty breakfast.
If you liked the spinach roll with cream cheese and ham, I invite you to try Romanian Deviled Eggs (with Liver Pate), Tuna and Sardine Spread or Mushrooms with garlic mayonnaise.
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