Maison Samaran Menton


Situat in apropierea hotelului la care am fost acomodati, Maison Samaran Menton mi-a facut cu ochiul de la inceput. Cu o terasa mica, tres chic, aflata chiar pe trotuar, restaurantul imbie trecatorii sa ii incerce preparatele. Si exact aceasta am facut si nu am regretat nicio secunda decizia luata!

Maison Samaran Menton

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Jumatate bacanie, jumatate restaurant, Maison Samaran este una dintre optiunile cu care nu poti da gres daca iti propui o cina in Menton.

Maison Samaran Menton

Maison Samaran Menton

Maison Samaran Menton

Restaurantul are cateva mese si in interior, insa pentru a te bucura pe deplin de atmosfera din Perla Frantei este bine sa iti rezervi o masa pe terasa.

Maison Samaran Menton

Maison Samaran Menton

Am venit croiti sa gustam din bunatatile care ne faceau cu ochiul din vitrinele bacaniei asa ca am comandat un platou cu mezeluri si branzeturi. Si un foie gras, ca deh, unde sa il incerc daca nu la el acasa?!?

Maison Samaran Menton

Maison Samaran Menton

Cat se afla in pregatire platoul comandat, ne-am trezit cu un aperitiv din partea casei, un soi de focaccia care a fost tare buna si care a mers de minune cu un cupaj alb pe care l-am ales doar pentru ca eticheta se potrivea la fix: L’Après Plage!

Maison Samaran Menton

O adevarata experienta gourmet pentru care va suntem recunoscatori! Au revoir, Maison Samaran!     

Maison Samaran Menton

Daca v-a placut articolul Maison Samaran Menton, va invit sa incercati si:    

Unde mancam cea mai buna pizza in Menton
Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé
La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

English version

Maison Samaran Menton

Located near the hotel where we were accommodated, Maison Samaran Menton winked at me from the beginning. With a small, very chic terrace, located right on the sidewalk, the restaurant invites passers-by to try its dishes. And that’s exactly what I did and I haven’t regretted the decision for a second!

Half grocer, half restaurant, Maison Samaran is one of the options you can’t go wrong with if you’re planning a dinner in Menton.

The restaurant has a few tables inside as well, but to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the Pearl of France, it is good to reserve a table on the terrace.

We came ready to taste the goodies that were winking at us from the grocery store windows, so we ordered a platter with charcuterie and cheeses. And a foie gras, well, where can I try it if not at his home?!?

While the ordered plate was being prepared, we woke up with an aperitif from the house, a type of focaccia that was very good and went wonderfully with a white blend that we chose only because the label matched fixed: L’Après Plage!

A real gourmet experience for which we are grateful! Goodbye, Maison Samaran!

If you liked the article Maison Samaran Menton, I invite you to try Where We Eat the Best Pizza in Menton, Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé or La bottega della Gina XXL or superlative pasta.


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