Cine poate rezista unui desert care imbina dulceața cremoasa a inghetatei de vanilie cu intensitatea aromata a espresso-ului proaspat? Baileys Affogato este o reteta simpla, dar deosebita, perfecta pentru momentele in care vrei sa te rasfeti sau sa impresionezi invitatii. Aceasta varianta adauga o nota de sofisticare, cu un strop de Baileys care transforma fiecare lingura intr-o adevarata experienta de gust. In doar cateva minute, poti pregati un desert rafinat, ideal pentru serile relaxante sau petrecerile cu prietenii. Hai sa descoperim cum poti sa te bucuri de aceasta combinatie delicioasa, cu doar cateva ingrediente esentiale!

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 4 cupe inghetata de vanilie
- 120 ml Baileys
- 2 shot- uri espresso

Prepararea Baileys Affogato este incredibil de simpla si rapida! Incepem prin a adauga cate 2 cupe de inghetata de vanilie in fiecare ceasca. Apoi, turnam 60 ml de Baileys peste inghetata, lasand-o sa se topeasca usor, imbogatind desertul cu savoarea sa delicioasa.

Pentru un plus de intensitate, completam fiecare ceasca cu un shot de espresso fierbinte, care va crea un contrast minunat intre temperatura calda a cafelei si textura racoroasa a inghetatei.

Servirea este la fel de simpla, dar rezultatul este spectaculos. Savuram fiecare inghititura de Baileys Affogato, bucurandu-ne de combinatia perfecta intre dulceața inghetatei, aroma inconfundabila a Baileys-ului si intensitatea espresso-ului.

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Daca v-a placut Baileys Affogato, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Baileys Affogato
Who can resist a dessert that combines the creamy sweetness of vanilla ice cream with the aromatic intensity of fresh espresso? Baileys Affogato is a simple but special recipe, perfect for those moments when you want to pamper yourself or impress your guests. This version adds a touch of sophistication, with a dash of Baileys that transforms each spoonful into a real taste experience. In just a few minutes, you can prepare a refined dessert, ideal for relaxing evenings or parties with friends. Let’s discover how you can enjoy this delicious combination, with just a few essential ingredients!
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 4 cups vanilla ice cream
- 120 ml Baileys
- 2 espresso shots
Preparing Baileys Affogato is incredibly simple and quick! Start by adding 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream to each cup. Then, pour 60 ml of Baileys over the ice cream, letting it melt slightly, enriching the dessert with its delicious flavor.
For added intensity, complete each cup with a shot of hot espresso, which will create a wonderful contrast between the warm temperature of the coffee and the cool texture of the ice cream.
The serving is just as simple, but the result is spectacular. Savor every sip of Baileys Affogato, enjoying the perfect combination between the sweetness of the ice cream, the unmistakable flavor of Baileys and the intensity of the espresso.
If you liked Baileys Affogato, I invite you to try Espresso Tiramisu, Salted Caramel Panna Cotta & Praline or a Amaretti Tiramisu Tart.
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