Daca esti in cautarea unei bauturi pline de prospetime si gust intens, Pineapple Mojito este alegerea perfecta pentru tine si cei dragi. Cu ingrediente simple si usor de procurat, vei crea in cateva minute o explozie de arome si racorire. Acest cocktail de ananas si ghimbir este nu doar o bautura delicioasa, dar si o adevarata explozie de arome tropicale care te va transporta mental intr-o vacanta exotica. Poti sa-l servesti in orice moment al zilei, fie ca este vorba despre o petrecere in gradina sau doar despre o pauza racoritoare intr-o zi torida de vara. Oricare ar fi ocazia, acest cocktail va fi intotdeauna un succes garantat!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 6 linguri ananas din compot sau ananas crud
- 4 felii lime
- 1 pahar suc de ananas
- 100 ml Ginger Beer Franklin & Sons Ltd.
- 8 frunze mari de menta proaspata
- Gheata
Incepe prin a taia ananasul in cubulete mici si distribuie-le in mod egal in doua pahare. Adauga apoi feliile de lime si frunzele de menta. Cu ajutorul unui pistil, strivim usor ingredientele pentru a elibera aromele lor intense.
Dupa ce am pregatit baza cocktailului, urmeaza sa adaugam partea lichida. Adauga gheata in paharele pregatite, apoi toarna sucul de ananas si Ginger Beer-ul peste ingredientele solide.
Pentru un aspect plin de prospetime si rafinament, decoram cocktailurile cu cateva frunze de menta proaspata. Apoi, este momentul sa savuram aceasta bautura revigoranta si plina de arome, alaturi de cei dragi, sub umbrela unui copac sau pe o terasa insorita.
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English version
Pineaple Mojito
If you are looking for a drink full of freshness and intense taste, the pineapple and ginger cocktail is the perfect choice for you and your loved ones. With simple and easily procured ingredients, you will create in a few minutes an explosion of aromas and cooling. This pineapple and ginger cocktail is not only a delicious drink, but also a real explosion of tropical flavors that will mentally transport you to an exotic vacation. You can serve it at any time of the day, whether it’s a garden party or just a refreshing break on a hot summer day. Whatever the occasion, this cocktail will always be a guaranteed success!
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 6 tablespoons pineapple compote or raw pineapple
- 4 lime slices
- 1 glass pineapple juice
- 100 ml Ginger Beer Franklin & Sons Ltd.
- 8 large leaves fresh mint
- Ice
Start by cutting the pineapple into small cubes and distribute them equally in two glasses. Then add the lime slices and mint leaves. With the help of a pestle, gently crush the ingredients to release their intense aromas.
After preparing the base of the cocktail, we are going to add the liquid part. Add ice to the prepared glasses, then pour the pineapple juice and Ginger Beer over the solid ingredients.
For a look full of freshness and refinement, we decorate the cocktails with a few leaves of fresh mint. Then, it’s time to enjoy this refreshing drink full of aromas, with your loved ones, under the umbrella of a tree or on a sunny terrace.
If you liked the Pineapple Mojito recipe, I invite you to try a Spicy Pomegranate Ginger Paloma, a Pineapple Lemonade or a Passion Fruit Mojito.
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