Antipasto Platter


Este incredibil de usor sa pregatim un platou antipasto cu care vom incanta toti participantii la masa. Mezeluri, branzeturi proaspete, masline, fructe si legume proaspete, crostini aromate.


  • Prosciutto crudo / Prosciutto crudo
  • Prosciutto cotto / Prosciutto cotto
  • Mix de carnati uscati / Mix of dried sausages
  • Branza bocconcini / Bocconcini
  • Mozzarella / Mozzarella
  • Branza pecorino romano / Pecorino romano cheese
  • Branza brie / Brie cheese
  • Struguri / Grape
  • Smochine / Figs
  • Rosii / Tomatoes
  • Mix de masline / Olives mix
  • Usturoi / Garlic
  • Ulei de masline / Olive oil
  • Frunze de busuioc / Basil leaves
  • Samburi de pin / Pine seeds
  • Oregano / Oregano
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chli flakes
  • Unt / Butter
  • Paine ciabatta / Ciabatta bread
  • Paine integrala cu seminte / Wholemeal bread with mix seeds

Pentru un platou de exceptie, trebuie sa ne punem amprenta personala asupra preparatului final. Chiar daca majoritatea ingredientelor sunt cumparate, recomandarea mea este sa le personalizam, sa ne aducem aportul asupra gustului final.

Asadar, pentru crostini aromate, taiem cele 2 modele de paine in felii subtiri. Amestecam untul la temperatura camerei cu ulei de masline, usturoi strivit, fulgii de chili si oregano. Ungem fiecare felie de paine cu acest amestec si dam la cuptor pentru 15 minute la 180 grade Celsius.

Pentru salata capresse, taiem rosiile cubulete si adaugam branza bocconcini si sosul pesto. Pentru sosul pesto, punem in blender frunze de busuioc verde, usturoi, samburi de pin, sare si ulei de masline.

Pentru mixul de masline, amestecam masline verzi si masline negre cu usturoi strivit, ulei de masline si oregano.

Aranjam toate ingredientele pe un platou si servim cu multa pofta.

English version:

It is incredibly easy to prepare an antipasto dish with which we will delight all participants in the meal. Sausages, fresh cheeses, olives, fresh fruits and vegetables, flavored crostini.

For an exceptional plate, we must put our personal print on the final dish. Even if most of the ingredients are bought, my recommendation is to personalize them, to bring our own contribution to the final taste.

So, for flavored crostini, cut the 2 models of bread into thin slices. Mix the butter at room temperature with olive oil, crushed garlic, chilli flakes and oregano. Grease each slice of bread with this mixture and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

For the tomato salad, cut the tomatoes into cubes and add the bocconcini cheese and pesto sauce. For the pesto sauce, put in the blender green basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, salt and olive oil.

For the olive mix, mix green olives and black olives with crushed garlic, olive oil and oregano.

Arrange all the ingredients on a plate and serve.


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