Unele dintre cele mai faine vacante sunt in Grecia. Din pacate, in acest an, Grecia este mult prea departe.
Putem insa sa o aducem mai aproape cu o farfurie autentica, plina de arome grecesti.
Stiu ce veti spune!! Iar fast-food.. si tindeam sa va dau dreptate … pana cand m-am apucat de gatit. 😊
Si da! Este fast-food, dar doar la golit farfuria. 😜 Altfel este un platou 100% slow-food pe care trebuie sa il incercati macar o data.
De la lipii calde proaspat scoase din cuptor, carne de porc gatita lent, cartofi “prajiti” fara ulei pana la un minunat sos tzatiki cu castraveti proaspat culesi din gradina.
Asadar, haideti sa incercam un “gyros artizanal”! 😎
(pentru 4 persoane / for 4 servings)
Pentru gyros:
- 700 grame spata de porc / 700 grams pork
- Condimente: sare, chimen, oregano, fulgi de chilli / Spices: salt, caraway, oregano, chilli flakes
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoon olive oil
Pentru cartofi:
- 6 cartofi / 6 potatos
- 3 linguri de otet / 3 tablespoon vinegar
- 1 lingurita zahar / 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
Pentru tzatiki gasiti retete aici.
Recomand pentru aceasta reteta sa alegi spata de porc, pe care o spalati si o uscati cu servetele absorbante. Dupa ce este uscata, adaugam uleiul, sarea si restul condimentelor. Lasam la frigider pana a doua zi.
Scoatem carnea din frigider si o lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 2 ore. Incingem apoi o tigaie tip grill si prajim carnea pe ambele parti timp de 3 minute (fara a mai adauga ulei). Punem apoi carnea intr-o tava cu capac in cuptorul incins la 160 grade Celsius. Asa cum am spus, dorim sa avem o carne frageda gatita lent. O lasam la cuptor timp de 3 ore.
Apoi o lasam sa se raceasca usor si o feliem foarte subtire cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit. Inainte de a o servi prajim carnea 2 – 3 minute intr-o tigaie cu foarte putin ulei de masline (cat sa se rumeasca usor).
Intre timp, curatam cartofii si ii taiem. Ii tinem in apa rece timp de 10 minute. Intre timp, fierbem intr-o oala apa cu otet, zahar si sare. In momentul in care fierbe adaugam cartofii si ii lasam sa dea in clocot. Ii scurgem de apa fierbinte si ii tinem sub jet de apa foarte rece pana la racirea completa.
Punem cartofii intr-un bol cu apa rece si ii introducem la congelator timp de 30 de minute. Ii scurgem apoi de apa si ii stergem foarte bine cu ajutorul unor servetele absorbante. Ii punem in actifry si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline si putina sare.
In cazul in care nu avem actifry, putem sa ii coacem in cuptor pe foaie de hartie de copt sau sa ii prajim in baie de ulei.
Servim gyrosul cu cartofi, sos tzatiki si lipii calde.
English version:
Some of the best vacations are in Greece. Unfortunately, this year, Greece is far too far away.
But we can bring it closer with an authentic plate, full of Greek flavors.
I know what you will say !! Fast food … until I start to cook. 😊
Yes! It’s fast food, but just until you emptied the plate. 😜 Otherwise it is a 100% slow-food platter and you have to try at least once.
From hot pita from the oven, slow-cooked pork, oil-free „fried” potatoes to a wonderful tzatiki sauce with freshly cucumbers from the garden.
So, let’s try an „artisanal gyros”! 😎
I recommend for this recipe to choose pork. Wash and dry with absorbent napkins. After it is dry, add the oil, salt and the rest of the spices. Leave it in the fridge until the next day.
Remove the meat from the fridge and leave it at room temperature for 2 hours. Then heat a grill pan and fry the meat on both sides for 3 minutes (without adding oil). Then put the meat in a tray with a lid in the oven heated to 160 degrees Celsius. As I said, we want to have tender meat cooked slowly. Leave it in the oven for 3 hours.
Then let it cool slightly and slice it very thin with a sharp knife. Before serving, fry the meat for 2-3 minutes in a pan with a small quantity of olive oil (enough to brown lightly).
Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them. Keep them in cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil in a pot water with vinegar, sugar and salt. When it boils, add the potatoes and let them boil. Drain them from hot water and keep them under running very cold water until completely cooled.
Put the potatoes in a bowl of cold water and put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then drain them and wipe them very well with the help of absorbent napkins. Put them in actifry and add a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt.
If we do not have actifry, we can bake them in the oven on a sheet of baking paper or fry them in an oil bath.
Serve the gyros with potatoes, tzatiki sauce and hot sticks.
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