De pranz la pachet a auzit toata lumea. Dar ce ziceti de un pranz la galeata? 😎
Colorat si amuzant va fi cu siguranta o senzatie. Cu atat mai mult cu cat vom alege varianta “light” de pregatire a celebrelor aripioare si a cartofilor prajiti.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 20 de aripioare / 20 chicken wings
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 4 linguri de smantana / 4 tablespoons sour cream
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil
- 200 gr varza rosie / 200 gr red cabbage
- 1 morcov mic / 1 small carrot
- 1 ceapa mica rosie / 1 small red onion
- 1/2 ardei kapia / 1/2 red pepper
- 1/2 mar / 1/2 apple
- 2 cepe verzi / 2 green onions
- 1 lingurita suc de lamaie / 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 2 linguri mustar / 2 tablespoons mustard
- 2 linguri iaurt grecesc / 2 tablespoons greek jogurt
- Sare / Salt
- 1 kg de cartofi / 1 kg potatoes
- Ketchup de casa / Homemade ketchup

Elementul cheie al acestei retete este friteuza Actifry Tefal. Aceasta este unul dintre cele mai utile lucruri achizitionate. Practic, putem sa ne bucuram de gustul “fast-food” cu un continut minim de grasimi. In cazul in care nu detineti o astfel de friteuza, puteti sa folositi cuptorul.

Curatam aripioarele si le taiem in doua. Le presaram cu sare si cu fulgi de chilli. Le lasam la rece timp de 2-3 ore. Dupa marinare, punem aripioarele in Actifry pentru 20 de minute pana devin crocante la exterior si extrem de fragede si suculente la interior.
Dupa ce aripioarele sunt gata, curatam tava de la Actifry si adaugam cartofii cu o lingura de ulei de masline.
Pentru salata, taiem varza si o presaram cu sare, presand usor cu mana astfel incat sa se inmoaie. Adaugam ceapa si ardeiul taiate fasii, morcovul ras, ceapa verde taiata marunt si marul taiat felii stropit cu suc de lamaie. Intr-un bol mixam 1 lingura de mustar, iaurtul grecesc si o lingura de ulei de masline. Adaugam dressingul peste legume si amestecam.
Pentru sosul de usturoi, strivim usturoiul si il mixam cu o lingura de mustar. Adaugam treptat cate putin ulei de masline pana obtinem o crema legata. Adaugam apoi smantana si amestecam bine.
Servim aripioarele cu cartofi prajiti, salata de varza si sosuri delicioase.

English version:
Everyone heard the packed lunch. But how about a bucket lunch? 😎
Colorful and funny will definitely be a sensation. Especially since we choose the „light” option for preparing the famous wings and french fries.
The key element of this recipe is the Actifry Tefal fryer. This is one of the most useful things purchased. Basically, we can have the taste of „fast food” with a minimum fat content. If you do not have such a fryer, you can use the oven.
Clean the wings and cut them in half. Sprinkle with salt and chilli flakes. Let them cool for 2-3 hours. After marinating, put the wings in Actifry for 20 minutes until they become crispy on the outside and extremely tender and juicy on the inside.
After the wings are ready, clean the tray from Actifry and add the potatoes with a tablespoon of olive oil.
For the salad, cut the cabbage and sprinkle with salt, pressing lightly by hand so that it become softens. Add sliced onion and pepper, grated carrot, finely chopped green onion and sliced apple sprinkled with lemon juice. In a bowl mix 1 tablespoon mustard, Greek yogurt and a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the dressing over the vegetables and mix.
For the garlic sauce, crush the garlic and mix it with a tablespoon of mustard. Gradually add a little olive oil until you get a cream. Then add the cream and mix well.
Serve the wings with french fries, cabbage salad and delicious sauces.
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