Negro Carbon


Unde si mai ales ce mancam in Granada?

“Premium Beef…. Do you dare to taste it?” Desigur ca “DA”! 😊

Negro Carbon este un steak house pe care nu aveti voie sa il ratati.

Mancare buna, atmosfera placuta, servicii excelente si un steak la cel mai inalt nivel.

Este un local mic aflat in zona veche a orasului. Asadar este necesara o rezervare prealabila, insa aceasta este extrem de facila pe site-ul acestora.

De la aperitive specifice, pana la o lista generoasa de steak-uri, toate va asteapta intr-un meniu gandit si prezentat cu multa inspiratie.

Pana va decideti, gazdele va deschid apetitul cu ceva bun din partea casei.

Si bineinteles celebrul steak.

Alegerea va fi extrem de dificila, insa veti beneficia de o initiere ca la carte in lumea celebrelor fripturi iberice.

… acompaniat de o portie generoasa de legume la gratar, cartofi copti si cartofi wedges.

Masa s-a incheiat cu un digestiv din partea casei. Chiar si fara alcool, pentru oaspetii cei mai mici.

English version:

Where and especially what do we eat in Granada?

“Premium Beef …. Do you dare to taste it?” “Of course”! 😊

Negro Carbon is a steak house that you should not miss.

Good food, pleasant atmosphere, excellent services and a steak at the highest level.

It is a small place located in the old part of the city. Therefore, a prior reservation is required, but this is extremely easy on their website.

From specific appetizers, to a generous list of steaks, all await you in a menu designed and presented with great inspiration.

Until you decide, the hosts serve your appetite with something good on the house.

The choice will be extremely difficult, but you will benefit for a premium initiation in the world of the famous Iberian steaks.

And of course the famous steak.

… accompanied by a generous portion of grilled vegetables, baked potatoes and wedges.

The meal will end with a digestive on the house. Even without alcohol, for the little ones.


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