Paine integrala cu seminte


Inca mai miroase a paine proaspat coapta la mine in casa. Asadar ard de nerabdare sa impartasesc cu voi aceasta reteta de paine.

Usor de executat si extrem de gustoasa nu va rezista mai mult de o zi. 😊😉😏

Recomand sa o folositi ca baza pentru un epic brunch de exceptie.


  • 300 grame faina integrala / 300 grams wholemeal flour
  • 200 grame faina alba tip 650 / 200 grams white flour type 650
  • 370 ml apa calduta / 350 ml warm water
  • 25 grame drojdie proaspata / 25 grams yeast
  • 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 lingurita sare mare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 linguri ulei masline / 2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 lingura seminte mixte / 1 tablespoon mixed seeds

Intr-un bol punem faina si facem o adancitura in mijloc. Adaugam in mijloc drojdia, mierea si apa calduta (atentie sa nu fie fierbinte). Amestecam usor apa cu drojdia, mierea si cu putina faina si lasam 10 minute deoparte.

Dupa 10 minute, amestecam toata faina si adaugam sarea, uleiul si semintele. Eu folosesc carligul special pentru aluat de la mixer, insa puteti amesteca si cu o lingura. Desi aluatul obtinut este relativ moale si lipicios nu mai adaugam faina. Acoperim bolul cu o folie alimentara.

Lasam la dospit 2 ore intr-un loc caldut, ferit de curentii de aer.

Dupa 2 ore, presaram blatul de lucru cu faina si rasturnam usor aluatul. Cu mainile infainate, dam forma rotunda si acoperim cu un prosop.

Intre timp, introducem in cuptor un vas de sticla rezistent la caldura (acoperit cu capac) si incalzim cuptorul la 200 grade.

Cand acesta se incinge, scoatem vasul din cuptor (cu grija sa nu ne ardem) si mutam painea in vas. Cu un cutit bine ascutit taiem painea usor pe mijloc pentru a nu se crapa intr-un mod inestetic. Acoperim cu capacul si coacem 40 de minute, apoi scoatem capacul si mai coacem 10 minute pentru a fi frumos rumenita.

Lasam la racit pe un gratar pentru a-si pastra coaja crocanta.

English version:

In a bowl put flour and make a hole in the middle. Add the yeast, honey and warm water in the middle (be careful not to be hot). Mix lightly and set aside for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, mix all the flour and add salt, oil and seeds. I use the special dough hook from the mixer, but you can also mix with a spoon. Although the dough obtained is relatively soft and sticky, we do not add flour. Cover the bowl with cling film.

Leave to rise for 2 hours in a warm place.

After 2 hours, sprinkle the board with flour and gently turn the dough over. With floured hands, give a round shape and cover with a towel.

Meanwhile, put a heat-resistant glass dish (covered with a lid) in the oven and heat the oven to 200 degrees.

When it heats up, take the dish out of the oven (being careful not to burn yourselves) and move the bread into the bowl. With a sharp knife, cut the bread lightly in half so that it does not crack in an ugly way. Cover with the lid and bake for 40 minutes, then remove the lid and bake for another 10 minutes.

Let it cool on a grill to keep its crispy crust.


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