Intrata in trendul #alegemlocal, nu pot decat sa ma bucur de toate initiativele producatorilor si sa aduc pe masa cele mai bune produse.
#alegemlocal … alegem calitate si prospetime, fara timpi indelungati de transport sau stocare pe rafturile supermarket-urilor. Practic: de la producator direct in farfurie. 😎
Saptamana aceasta am ales Pastravaria Salmontana. Pe langa pestele proaspat (care fie vorba doar intre noi, este delicios), pastravaria ofera si produse prelucrate avand la baza pastravul. Din categoria de peste proaspat mi-a atras atentia pastravul somonat auriu, pe care l-am achizionat atat proaspat cat si afumat.
Pestisorul de aur proaspat a avut 3 dorinte: mamaliga cremoasa, mujdei de usturoi cu patrunjel si sos de smantana. Asa ca am trecut la treaba.
(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
- 3 pastravi / 3 trouts
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 200 grame malai / 200 grams corn flour
- 250 ml apa / 250 ml water
- 500 ml lapte / 500 ml milk
- 1 lingurita de sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 80 grame unt / 80 grams butter
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 2 lingurite patrunjel verde tocat / 2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley
- 100 ml apa minerala / 100 ml mineral water
- 2 linguri smantana / 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
Curatam bine pastravul si il stergem cu un servetel absorbant. Il presaram cu sare mare atat in interior cat si pe exterior. Lasam cateva ore la rece. Scoatem pestele de la frigider cu o ora inainte de a-l pregati, il stergem inca o data cu un servetel absorbant si il ungem cu ulei de masline. Il asezam pe o tava cu gratar si il introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade pentru 15 minute pe fiecare parte.
Intre timp pregatim crema de mamaliga. Intr-o cratita punem la fiert malaiul cu apa si cu laptele. Adaugam sarea si lasam la fiert amestecand ocazional. Cand mamaliga este fiarta, adaugam untul si amestecam bine. Apoi adaugam ouale pe rand (nu adaugam al doilea ou pana cand primul este incorporat). Aranjam crema de mamaliga pe o farfurie si adaugam deasupra cativa fulgi de unt.
Pentru sosuri, strivim cateii de usturoi cu sare si ii impartim in 2 boluri. Intr-un bol adaugam patrunjelul verde si apa minerala, iar in celalalt bol adaugam uleiul de masline si smantana.
Servim cu multa pofta!
English version:
Baked trout with polenta cream
Following the #chooselocal trend, I can only enjoy all the initiatives of the producers and bring to the table the best products.
#chooselocal … we choose quality and freshness, without long transport or storage times on supermarket shelves. Basically: from the manufacturer directly to the plate. 😎
This week I chose the Salmontana Trout. In addition to fresh fish (by the way, just between us, it is delicious), Salmontana also offers processed products based on trout. From the fresh fish category, I was attracted by the golden salmon trout, which I bought both fresh and smoked.
The fresh goldfish had 3 wishes: creamy polenta, garlic sauce with parsley and sour cream sauce. So I got to work.
Clean the trout well and wipe it with an absorbent napkin. Sprinkle it with high salt both inside and out. Let it cool for a few hours. Remove the fish from the fridge an hour before cooking, wipe it once more with an absorbent napkin and grease it with olive oil. Place it on a grill pan and place it in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes on each side.
Meanwhile, prepare the polenta cream. In a saucepan, boil the corn flour with water and milk. Add salt and cook, stirring occasionally. When the polenta is cooked, add the butter and mix well. Then add eggs one at a time (do not add the second egg until the first is incorporated). Arrange the polenta cream on a plate and add a few flakes of butter on top.
For sauces, crush the garlic cloves with salt and divide them into 2 bowls. In a bowl add the parsley and mineral water, and in the other bowl add the olive oil and sour cream.
We serve with appetite!
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