Am vrut initial sa ii spun salata de vara, dar apoi m-am uitat in calendar si desi este o vreme extrem de placuta este totusi toamna.

O toamna in care ne bucuram inca de gustul legumelor proaspat culese din gradina. As putea spune, chiar mai gustoase decat au fost asta vara.

- 2 rosii mari / 2 tomatoes
- 1 gogosar / 1 red pepper
- 2 castraveti / 2 cucumbers
- 2 cepe rosii / 2 red onions
- Ardei iute / Hot pepper
- Sare / Salt
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil

Intr-un bol punem ceapa, ardeii si castravetii taiati. Presaram putina sare si adaugam putin ulei de masline. Amestecam bine si apoi adaugam rosiile taiate felii. Mai presaram putin sare si amestecam usor. Daca va place gustul picant, puteti adauga si ardei iute taiat felii subtiri sau il puteti servi separat.
Aceasta salata poate inlocui cu succes orice fel de garnitura langa o friptura sau o puteti servi ca atare cu cateva branzeturi romanesti si obligatoriu cu o felie de paine integrala proaspata cu care sa strangem tot sosul delicios lasat de legumele imprietenite de uleiul de masline.

English version:
Autumn Salad
Initially I wanted to name it summer salad, but then I looked at the calendar and although it is an extremely pleasant weather, it is still autumn.
An autumn in which we still enjoy the taste of freshly picked vegetables from the garden. I could say, even tastier than they were this summer.
In a bowl put onions, peppers and chopped cucumbers. Sprinkle salt and add a small quantity of olive oil. Mix well and then add sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle a little more salt and mix lightly. If you like the spicy taste, you can also add hot peppers cut into thin slices or you can serve it separately.
This salad can successfully replace any kind of garnish next to a steak or you can serve it simple with a Romanian cheeses and mandatory with a slice of fresh wholemeal bread gathering all delicious sauce left by the vegetables and olive oil.
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