Denumirea nu imi apartine. Practic am crescut cu acest pui. Ne rasfata duminicile alaturi de cartofii prajiti in multa untura in tuciul de fonta. Si evident, totul asortat cu mult usturoi.
De-a lungul timpului, niciun fel de pui rotisat oferit de supermarket-uri sau restaurante nu a reusit sa il depaseasca. Este extrem de gustos, fraged, iar modul de preparare este simplist.

Avem nevoie de un pui, sare, putina vegeta bio, o cratita si un capac.

De preferat este sa alegem un pui cat de cat “curat” din punct de vedere al modului de crestere. Il curatam bine si il spalam, apoi il uscam cu un servet si il condimentam cu sare si vegeta bio.

Umplem o cratita cu apa si o acoperim cu capacul pus invers. Pe capac asezam puiul si il introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius. Il lasam la cuptor o ora si jumatate apoi il intoarcem cu grija pe cealalta parte si il mai lasam o ora pana cand este frumos rumenit.
Il servim cu cartofi prajiti (de aceasta data in ActiFry, fara adaos de ulei), sos de usturoi cu smantana si muraturi asortate.

English version:
CrispLid Roast Chicken
The name does not belong to me. I basically grew up with this chicken. He pampers us on Sundays with french fries in cast iron. And obviously, everything comes with a lot of garlic.
Over time, no roast chicken offered by supermarkets or restaurants has managed to surpass it. It is extremely tasty, crisp, and the preparation is very simple.
We need a chicken, salt, an organic veggies mix, a pan and a lid.
It is preferable to choose a chicken that is somewhat „clean” in terms of how it is raised. We clean it well and wash it, then dry it with a napkin and season it with salt and organic vegetables mix.
Fill a saucepan with water and cover with the lid upside down. Place the chicken in the lid and place it in the oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius. Leave it in the oven for an hour and a half then turn it carefully on the other side and leave it for another hour until it is nicely browned.
Serve it with french fries (this time in ActiFry, without added oil), garlic sauce with seeds and pickles.
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