Am tanjit mult dupa zilele calduroase de primavara. Si anul acesta chiar s-au lasat mult asteptate. Cand in sfarsit s-a aratat putin soarele am zis sa il celebram cu un Strawberry Mojito Mocktail, colorat si aromat.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 200 grame capsuni / 200 grams strawberry
- 2 lime / 2 limes
- 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- Frunze de menta / Mint leaves
- 500 ml Sprite / 500 ml Sprite
- Felii de lamaie si zahar brun pentru decor / Lemon slices and brown sugar for decoration
Taiem fructele de lime in 8 bucati. Trecem cate un cub de lime pe marginea paharului si apoi le introducem in zahar brun pentru a forma o margine aurie.
Punem in fiecare pahar cate un lime si cate o lingura de zahar brun. Strivim cu ajutorul unui pistil de lemn. Intr-un alt bol strivim grosier capsunii si ii rasturnam peste lime.
Adaugam frunzele de menta, gheata si Sprite-ul. Decoram paharele cu felii de lamaie si servim cu placere.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Strawberry Mojito Mocktail, va recomand sa incercati si o Limonada cu ananas, Mango Rum Cocktail sau un Mango Mojito.
Strawberry Mojito Mocktail
Long waiting for the warm spring days. And this year they really left themselves waiting for a long time. When the sun finally showed a little, we said let’s celebrate it with a Strawberry Mojito Mocktail, colorful and aromatic.
Cut the lime fruits into 8 pieces. Place a lime cube on the edge of the glass and then dip them in brown sugar to form a golden rim.
Put a lime and a spoonful of brown sugar in each glass. Crush with a wooden pestle. In another bowl, coarsely crush the strawberries and pour them over the lime.
Add the mint leaves, ice and Sprite. Decorate the glasses with lemon slices and serve with appetite.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Strawberry Mojito Mocktail recipe, I recommend you also try a Pineapple Lemonade, Mango Rum Cocktail or a Mango Mojito.
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