De multe ori, atunci cand aveti pofta de mancare asiatica, va ganditi imediat la varianta comandata. Indiferent daca vorbim de mancare indiana, chinezeasca sau thailandeza, toți avem preferatele noastre. Ce-ar fi daca am spune ca poti economisi timp si bani si poți pregati acasa unele dintre cele mai iubite feluri de mancare? Astazi facem o scurta incursiune prin bucataria asiatica si incercam pachetele de primavara, clatite cu ceapa verde, pui Shanghai si creveti in tempura.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru pachetele de primavara / For the spring rolls
- 8 foi de orez / 8 rice paper
- 2 morcovi / 2 carotts
- 200 grame varza / 200 grams cabbage
- 3 fire ceapa verde / 3 scallions
- 3 linguri ulei vegetal / 3 tablespoons vegetal oil
- 2 linguri sos de soia / 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- Sare / Salt
- Ulei pentru prajit / Oil for frying
Pentru clatitele cu ceapa verde / For the Scallions Pancakes
- 2 cani faina / 2 cups flour
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cana apa fierbinte / 1 cup boiling water
- 1 lingura ulei de susan / 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- 4 cepe verzi (doar partea verde) / 4 scallions (green part only)
- 1/4 cana ulei vegetal / 1/4 cup vegetable oil
Pentru dressing clatite / For the dipping sauce
- 1/3 cana sos de soia / 1/3 cup soy sauce
- 2 linguri otet de orez / 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 1 lingura zahar brun / 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 lingura ceapa verde / 1 tablespoon scallions
- 1/2 lingura fulgi de chilli / 1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
Pentru puiul Shanghai si crevetii in tempura / For the Shanghai chicken and the tempura shrimps
- 250 grame piept de pui / 250 grams chicken breast
- 200 grame creveti / 200 grams shrimps
- 2 linguri sos de soia / 2 tabelspoons soy sauce
- 1 lingura otet de orez / 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
- 1 lingura patrunjel taiat fin / 1 tablespoon parsley
- Sare / Salt
- 1 pachet amestec pentru tempura Enso / 1 tempura cooking kit Enso
- 150 ml apa foarte rece / 150 ml very cold water

Pentru pachetelele de primavara taiem morcovii si varza in fasii subtiri si ceapa verde rondele inguste. Incingem 2 linguri de ulei vegetal intr-un wok si adaugam legumele. Prajim la foc mare timp de 3 minute si adaugam sosul de soia. Continuam sa mai gatim timp de 2 minute, avand grija sa pastram legumele usor crocante.

Intr-o farfurie adanca punem o cana de apa si trecem pe rand fiecare foaie de orez prin apa pana cand devine maleabila, usor de manevrat. Punem cate o lingura de amestec de legume in mijlocul foii de orez si rulam sub forma de pachetel.

In mod clasic, pachetelele de primavara se prajesc in baie de ulei, dar eu am ales sa folosesc Tefal Actifry. Punem 2 linguri de ulei in tava de la Actifry si prajim pachetelele timp de 20 de minute. La jumatatea timpului, le intoarcem pe cealalta parte astfel incat sa fie frumos rumenite.

Servim pachetelele de primvara alaturi de sos sweet chilli.

Pentru clatitele cu ceapa verde, adaugam faina si sarea in bolul mixerului. Pornim mixerul si adaugam 3/4 din cantitatea de apa clocotita. Continuam sa mixam pana cand aluatul se ridica in jurul carligului de amestecare. Daca nu se aduna, adaugam si restul de apa, turnand treptat, pana se formeaza un aluat omogen.
Infainam usor blatul de lucru apoi rasturnam aluatul si il framantam 30 de secunde. Acoperim cu un prosop umed si lasam sa se odihneasca la temperatura camerei timp de 30 de minute.
Impartim aluatul in 4 bucati egale si intindem pe rand cate un cerc cu diametru de 20 centimetri. Lucram cu foile pe rand, pastrand restul bilelor sub prosop. Ungem fiecare foaie cu ulei de susan si presaram ceapa verde taiata marunt.
Rulam fiecare foaie, apoi o modelam sub forma de melc. Aplatizam melcul cu mana, apoi o intindem intr-o foaie subtire cu diametrul de 18 centimetri. Punem fiecare clatita sub propsopul umed pana le modelam pe toate.

Punem in tigaie 2 linguri de ulei si le incingem la foc mic spre mediu. Cand uleiul este incins, adaugam o clatita intorcand-o des pe o parte si pe alta pana cand devine aurie pe ambele parti, aproximativ 5 minute in total. Transferam clatitele pe o farfurie si repetam procesul cu uleiul si clatitele ramase.

Intre timp amestecam toate ingredientele pentru sos. Taiem clatitele in felii si le servim alaturi de sosul de soia.

Pentru puiul Shanghai, taiem pieptul in fasii de marimea degetului mic. Presaram sare si adaugam o lingura sos de soia, otetul de orez si patrunjelul verde. In alt bol amestecam crevetii cu sare si o lingura sos de soia. Lasam ambele boluri la marinat timp de 1 – 2 ore la frigider.
Pregatim amestecul pentru tempura conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj, amestecand continutul plicului cu 150 ml apa rece.

Trecem fiecare bucata de pui sau creveti prin amestecul tempura si prajim la foc mare in uleiul incins pana cand sunt frumos rumenite. Scoatem apoi bucatile prajite pe un servetel absorbant pentru a indeparta excesul de ulei.

Servim toate preparatele cu multa pofta.
Detaliile video ale pachetelelor de primavara le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut pranzul Asiatic, va invit sa calatoriti si pe alte meridiane intr-o zi de weekend, poate Italia, America sau de ce nu, Liban.
Asian Lunch
Many times, when you have an appetite for Asian food, you immediately think of the food you ordered. Regardless of whether we are talking about Indian, Chinese or Thai food, we all have our favorites. What if we said that you can save time and money and prepare some of your most loved dishes at home? Today we make a short trip through the Asian kitchen and try the spring packages, pancakes with green onions, Shanghai chicken and shrimp in tempura.
For the spring rolls, cut the carrots and cabbage into thin strips and the green onions into rounds. Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a wok and add the vegetables. Fry them on high heat for 3 minutes and add the soy sauce. Continue to cook for another 2 minutes, taking care to keep the vegetables slightly crunchy.
Put a cup of water in a deep plate and pass each sheet of rice through the water until it becomes pliable, easy to handle. Put a spoonful of the vegetable mixture in the middle of the rice sheet and roll it in the form of a roll.
Traditionally, the spring rolls are fried in an oil bath, but I chose to use the Tefal Actifry. Put 2 tablespoons of oil in the Actifry pan and fry the rolls for 10 – 15 minutes. At half time, turn them on the other side so that they are nicely browned.
Serve the spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce.
For the scallion pancakes, add the flour and salt to the mixer bowl. Start the mixer and add 3/4 of the amount of boiling water. Continue to mix until the dough rises around the mixing hook. If it does not come together, add the rest of the water, pouring gradually, until a homogeneous dough is formed.
Lightly flour the work surface, then turn the dough over and knead it for 30 seconds. Cover with a wet towel and let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces and roll out 1 circle each with a diameter of 20 centimeters. Worked with the sheets one at a time, keeping the rest of the balls under the towel. Grease each sheet with sesame oil and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.
Roll each one, then shape it into a round shape. Flatten the form with hands, then spread it into a thin sheet with a diameter of 18 centimeters. Put each pancake under the wet towel until we shape them all.
Put 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan and heat them on low to medium heat. When the oil is hot, add a pancake, turning it often on one side and the other until it becomes golden on both sides, about 5 minutes in total. Transfer the pancakes to a plate and repeat the process with the remaining oil and pancakes.
Meanwhile, mix all the ingredients for the sauce. Cut the pancakes into slices and serve them with soy sauce.
For the Shanghai chicken, cut the breast into strips the size of your little finger. Sprinkle salt and add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, rice vinegar and parsley. In another bowl, mix the shrimp with salt and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Let both bowls marinate for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator.
Prepare the tempura mixture according to the instructions on the package, mixing the contents of the bag with 150 ml of cold water.
Dip each piece of chicken or shrimp in the tempura mixture and fry on high heat in the hot oil until they are nicely browned. Then remove the fried pieces on an absorbent napkin to remove excess oil.
Serve all dishes with great appetite.
You can find the video details of the spring rolls here.
If you liked the Asian lunch, I invite you to travel to other meridians on a weekend day, maybe Italy, America or why not, Lebanon.
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