Aceasta reteta de Baklava Cheesecake este piesa centrala din categoria deserturi a oricarei mese de sarbatoare. Foile de aluat crocant scaldate in sirop de miere imbraca o umplutura delicioasa de cheesecake asezata pe un strat de fistic. Acest desert este o combinatie de doua deserturi pe care le iubim mult: baklava si cheesecake. Nu numai ca are un gust divin, dar crusta crocanta si garnitura stralucitoare de fistic fac un adevarat spectacol. Pentru un succes garantat, acest cheescake are nevoie de 24 de ore timp de odihna la rece astfel incat toate ingredientele sa fie bine imprietenite.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
Pentru cheesecake / For the cheesecake:
- 1 pachet foi fine de placinta / 1 filo package
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 200 grame fistic macinat / 200 grams crushed pistachios
- 1 lingura unt / 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 lingura zahar / 1 tablespoon sugar
- 600 grame crema branza Philadelphia / 600 grams Philadelphia cream cheese
- 200 grame zahar / 200 grams sugar
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 3 linguri faina / 3 tablespoons flour
Pentru sirop / For the syrup:
- 150 ml apa / 150 ml water
- 70 grame miere / 70 grams honey
- 70 grame zahar / 70 grams sugar

Ungem cu unt topit o forma rotunda cu pereti detasabili. Suprapunem foile de placinta si le ungem pe fiecare dintre ele cu unt topit pe baza si pe partile laterale. Cand adaugam o noua foaie avem grija sa orientam colturile foii in directia opusa a celei din stratul anterior. La sfarsit taiem marginile foilor care depasesc marginea tavii, pastrand aceste resturi. Deoarce avem o tava cu pereti detasabili va recomand sa imbracati exteriorul tavii cu o folie de aluminiu pentru a preveni scurgerea untului in cuptor. Introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 10 minute.
Intre timp amestecam fisticul macinat cu zaharul si untul topit si pregatim crema de branza. In bolul unui blender adaugam crema de branza, smantana dulce, zaharul, vanilia, un praf de sare, ouale si faina si mixam foarte bine pana obtinem o crema fina.

Scoatem forma din cuptor si adaugam fisticul presand bine cu ajutorul unei linguri. Turnam deasupra crema de branza si aranjam resturile de foi ramase. Ungem cu unt si introducem la cuptor pentru 50 minute pana cand este frumos rumenita. Dupa ce prajitura este coapta oprim cuptorul si deschidem partial usa cuptorului si mai lasam cheescake-ul 10 minute.
Pentru sirop amestecam toate ingredientele si le fierbem pana cand zaharul este topit. Scoatem cheescake-ul din cuptor, il lasam 10 minute si apoi turnam deasupra siropul.

Presaram cu fistic macinat, lasam la racit si apoi introducem in frigider pana a doua zi. Asteptam cu (ne)rabdare si servim cu multa pofta.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta Baklava Cheesecake va recomand sa incercati si o Placinta romaneasca cu branza, un Cheescake vegan cu portocale sau un Lemon & Orange Cream Cake.
Baklava Cheesecake
This Baklava Cheesecake recipe is the centerpiece of any holiday table in the desserts category. Crispy dough sheets bathed in honey syrup cover a delicious cheesecake filling placed on a pistachio layer. This dessert is a combination of two desserts that we love a lot: baklava and cheesecake. Not only does it taste divine, but the crispy crust and the shiny pistachio garnish make for a real spectacle. For a guaranteed success, this cheesecake needs 24 hours of cold rest so that all the ingredients are well combined.
Grease a round shape with melted butter. Overlap the pie sheets and grease each of them with melted butter on the base and on the sides. When we add a new sheet, we take care to orient the corners of the sheet in the opposite direction to that of the previous layer. At the end, cut the edges of the sheets that exceed the edge of the tray, keeping these rest. Since we have a pan with removable walls, I recommend you to cover the outside of the pan with an aluminum foil to prevent butter from leaking into the oven. Place the tray in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, mix the ground pistachios with the sugar and melted butter and prepare the cream cheese. In the bowl of a blender, add cream cheese, sweet cream, sugar, vanilla, 1 pinch of salt, eggs and flour and mix very well until you get a fine cream.
Remove the tray from the oven and add the pistachios, pressing well with a spoon. Pour the cream cheese on top and arrange the remaining filo. Brush with butter and put in the oven for 50 minutes until it is nicely browned. After the cake is baked, turn off the oven and partially open the oven door and leave the cheesecake for another 10 minutes.
For the syrup, mix all the ingredients and boil them until the sugar is melted. Take the cheesecake out of the oven, leave it for 10 minutes and then pour the syrup over it.
Sprinkle with ground pistachios, leave to cool and then put in the fridge until the next day. Wait with (im)patience and serve with great appetite.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Baclava Cheesecake recipe, I recommend you also try a Romanian Pie with cheese, a vegan Cheesecake with oranges or a Lemon & Orange Cream Cake.
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