Limonada cu ananas


Limonada este, de departe, bautura anotimpului cald. Oricare ar fi evenimentul pe care il avem de organizat, aproape tot timpul putem gasi un loc si pentru racoroasa bautura. Este indragita de cei mari si cei mici, in egala masura, este minunata pe timp de canicula si ne binedispune cu gustul si mirosul ei. In prezent, gustul limonadei este imbunatatit si cu alte plante sau fructe: capsuni, lavanda, ghimbir, menta.
Azi va propun o limonada cu ananas care cu siguranta va va incanta si racori deopotriva.

Limonada cu ananas


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 1/2 ananas mare / 1/2 big pineapple
  • 3 linguri miere de rodie / 3 tablespoons pomegranate honey
  • 30 ml sirop lime / 30 ml lime syrup
  • 250 ml sifon sau apa minerala / 250 ml soda or mineral water
  • 20 grame frunze menta / 20 grams mint leaves
  • Gheata / Ice
  • Felii de ananas si menta pentru decor / Pineapple slices and mint leaves for decor
Limonada cu ananas

Curatam ananasul si il taiem in felii subtiri. In bolul mixerului punem feliile de ananas, siropul de lime si mierea de rodie. In cazul in care nu aveti miere de rodie, puteti folosi orice fel de miere. Mixam bine pana obtinem un piure de ananas foarte fin. Rasturnam intr-o carafa.

Limonada cu ananas

Pregatim apoi sifonul cu ajutorul Soda Stream sau folosim apa minerala. Umplem carafa cu sifon, adaugam gheata, frunze de menta si amestecam.

Limonada cu ananas

Decoram cu felii de ananas si menta si apoi servim rece.

Limonada cu ananas

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Limonada cu ananas

Daca v-a placut Limonada cu ananas, va invit sa incercati si Raspberry Lime Gin Cocktail sau un Bacardi Rum Cocktail.

English version

Pineapple Lemonade

Lemonade is, by far, the drink of the warm season. Whatever event we have to organize, we can almost always find a place for a cold drink. It is loved by adults and children alike, it is wonderful during the heat wave and treats us well with its taste and smell. Currently, the taste of lemonade is improved with other plants or fruits: strawberries, lavender, ginger, mint. Today I propose a lemonade with pineapple that will surely delight you and cool you down at the same time.

Cut the pineapple into thin slices. Put the pineapple slices, lime syrup and pomegranate honey in the mixer bowl. If you don’t have pomegranate honey, you can use any kind of honey. Mix well until you get a very smooth pineapple puree. Pour into a carafe.

Then prepare the soda using Soda Stream or use mineral water. Fill the carafe with soda, add ice, mint leaves and mix.

Decorate with slices of pineapple and mint and then serve cold.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked Pineapple Lemonade, I invite you to try a Raspberry Lime Gin Cocktail or a Bacardi Rum Cocktail.


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