Printre primele cafenele care a adus in Brasov o atmosfera fresh, de cafenea autentica, moderna, cozy, Lavender, a ramas dupa mai bine de sapte ani de la deschidere, una dintre cele mai cunoscute si mai apreciate locatii de acest gen. Renumele cafenelei a depasit de mult granitele orasului de la poalele Tampei, insa daca va intrebati cumva unde savuram o cafea cu iz de lavanda … in Brasov, vorbim azi despre o dragoste mai veche de-a mea si anume despre Lavender Cafe & Wine Bar.
Spuneam o dragoste mai veche deoarece suntem cunostinte mai vechi, inca din vremea cand apreciam mai mult prajiturile de acolo si mai putin preparatele din cafea (in general). Dupa o pauza generata in mare parte de pandemie, am revenit si am avut placerea sa regasesc aceeasi atmosfera placuta, insa mai ales produsele de patiserie si specialitatile pe baza de cafea.
De fiecare data am incercat cate un preparat nou, insa cu vreo trei ture in urma am descoperit Rolls-urile cu umplutura de zmeura si fistic si am ramas blocata acolo… si dupa mine o gasca intreaga de prieteni. Marturisesc ca am mai incercat acest tip de patiserie si in alte locatii din Copenhaga si Malmo, insa varianta patiserilor de aici este una care a ocupat deja primele trei locuri ale clasamentului. Foarte important, in special in weekend, pentru a fi siguri ca unul dintre senzationalele rolls-uri vor ajunge pe masa voastra si nu doar in wishlist, este de preferat sa precomandati cu o zi inainte pe whatsapp. Iar a doua zi doar il (le 😊) revendicati.
Recunoscuta in special pentru prajituri si torturi, dar si pentru decoratiunile cu iz de lavanda, locatia si-a completat meniul de ceva vreme cu o selectie de vinuri, astfel ca daca ati ratat momentul zilei destinat cafelei si croissantelor, wine barul este deschis in fiecare zi pana la ora 21:00.
Locatia are amenajat si un colt destinat celor mici, o cafenea in miniatura „utilata” cu toate ustensilele destinate desfasurarii activitatii prichindeilor pentru o sedere cat mai placuta celor mari.
Cafeneaua dispune si de o terasa linistita unde se pot savura delicatesele daca vremea (care in ultima perioada nici nu mai este atat de capricioasa ca pe vremuri in Brasov) permite acest lucru.
Iubitori de prajituri, torturi, patiserie, cafea, vinuri sau pur si simplu de nuanta revigoranta a violetului lavandei vor avea suficiente motive pentru a reveni in aceasta locatie.
Daca v-a placut articolul Unde savuram o cafea cu iz de lavanda … Brasov, va invit sa vedem unde mancam si in:
English version
Where We Enjoyed a Coffee with Lavender … Brasov
One of the first cafes that brought a fresh, authentic, modern, cozy cafe atmosphere to Brasov, Lavender, after more than seven years since its opening, has remained one of the best-known and most appreciated locations of its kind. The cafe’s reputation has long gone beyond the borders of the city at the foot of Tampa, but if you’re wondering where to enjoy a coffee with lavender in Brasov, today we’re talking about an older love of mine, namely Lavender Cafe & Wine Bar.
I said an older love because we are older acquaintances, from the time when we appreciated more the cakes there and less the coffee preparations (in general). After a break largely caused by the pandemic, I came back and had the pleasure of finding the same pleasant atmosphere, but especially the pastries and coffee-based specialties.
Every time I tried a new dish, but about three rounds ago I discovered the Rolls with raspberry and pistachio filling and I was stuck there… and a whole bunch of friends followed me. I confess that I have tried this type of pastry in other locations in Copenhagen and Malmo, but the version of the pastries here is one that has already occupied the first three places of the ranking. Very important, especially on the weekend, to be sure that one of the sensational rolls arrives on your table and not just in the wishlist, it is preferable to pre-order the day before on WhatsApp. And the next day you just claim it (them 😊).
Known especially for cakes and tarts, but also for decorations with lavender, the location has been supplementing its menu for some time with a selection of wines, so if you missed the time of day for coffee and croissants, the wine bar is open every day until 21:00.
The location also has a corner designed for the little ones, a miniature cafe „equipped” with all the utensils intended for the activities of the children for a stay as pleasant as possible for the adults.
The cafe also has a quiet terrace where you can enjoy the delicacies if the weather (which lately is not as capricious as it used to be in Brasov) allows it.
Lovers of cakes, tarts, pastries, coffee, wines or simply the refreshing shade of lavender violet will have enough reasons to return to this location.
If you liked the article Where we enjoy coffee with lavender… Brasov, I invite you to see where we eat in Where to eat (the best cakes) in… Bran, Where to Eat (the Best Breakfast) in… Bucuresti or Nice places Black Sea … Costinesti.
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