Asian Scrambled Eggs


Scrambled eggs cu aroma asiatica insotite de somon afumat si castraveti marinati rapid, servite cu o ploaie de seminte de susan si o salata de ceapa verde.


(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)

  • 2 oua / 2 eggs
  • 50 grame somon afumat / 50 grams smoked salmon
  • 1 castravete / 1 cucumber
  • 2 cepe verzi / 2 green onions
  • 1 lingura ulei de susan / 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 lingurita sos de soia / 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 4 lingurite otet de orez / 4 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 1/2 lingurita miere / 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • Sare / Salt
  • Seminte de susan / Sesame seeds
  • Sos de chilli / Chilli sauce
  • 1 felie de paine integrala / 1 wholemeal slice bread

Primul pas este sa pregatim castravetii marinati. Intr-un bol amestecam mierea cu 2 linguri de otet de orez si sare. Adaugam castravetii taiati felii subtiri si lasam la marinat. Amestecam din cand in cand.

Pentru salata de ceapa, taiem ceapa verde marunt, o presaram cu sare si adaugam 2 linguri de otet de orez si amestecam.

Intr-un bol batem ouale cu sosul de soia. Incingem uleiul de susan intr-o tigaie si adaugam ouale amestecand constant 1-2 minute pana ce omleta este gata.

Distribuim ouale pe o felie de paine integrala, adaugam somonul afumat, salata de ceapa verde si presaram cu seminte de susan. Servim cu salata de castraveti marinati si cu sos de chilli, daca ne place gustul picant.

English version:

Scrambled eggs with Asian flavor accompanied by smoked salmon and quickly marinated cucumbers, served with a rain of sesame seeds and a green onion salad.

The first step is to prepare the pickled cucumbers. In a bowl, mix the honey with 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar and salt. Add the thinly sliced cucumbers and leave to marinate. Stir occasionally.

For the onion salad, cut the green onion into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and add 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar and mix.

In a bowl beat the eggs with the soy sauce. Heat the sesame oil in a pan and add the eggs, stirring constantly for 1-2 minutes until the omelette is ready.

Distribute eggs on a slice of wholemeal bread, add smoked salmon, green onion salad and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve with pickled cucumber salad and chilli sauce, if we like the spicy taste.


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