Ma aflu in pana de idei pentru mic dejun. Deschid frigiderul si ma intreb ce s-ar asorta cu o dimineata linistita de week-end.
Culori!! Desigur! Trebuie sa fie ceva colorat plin de vitamine. Asa ca sa fie un platou mix, consistent asortat cu multe legume.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 100 grame smoked somon / 100 grams smoked salmon
- 100 grame prosciutto / 100 grams prosciutto
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 200 grame iaurt grecesc / 200 grams joghurt
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Masline / Olives
- Legume: rosii, castravete, ceapa rosie, ridichi, ardei / Vegetables: tomato, cucumber, red onion, radish, pepper
- Sare / Salt
Intr-un bol amestecam iaurtul cu sarea si uleiul de masline. Secretul cremei este scurgerea prealabila a iaurtului. Intr-o sita asezam o hartie de filtru folosita pentru cafea. Rasturnam iaurtul si lasam la scurs in frigider pentru 2-3 ore sau chiar de seara pana dimineata.
Fierbem ouale, curatam legumele si le aranjam pe toate pe un platou. Servim cu paine prajita si multa pofta!
English version
I’m running out of breakfast ideas. I open the fridge and wonder what would match a lazy weekend morning.
Colors!! Of course! It must be something colorful full of vitamins. So it should be a mixed platter, consistently matched with many vegetables.
In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the salt and olive oil. The secret of the cream is the preliminary draining of the yogurt. In a sieve place a filter paper used for coffee. Pour the yogurt and let it drain in the fridge for 2-3 hours or even from evening to morning.
Boil eggs, clean the vegetables and arrange them all on a plate. Serve with toast and lots of appetite!
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