Ati dat de curand o fuga pe la piata? Este verde toata … leurda, salata, loboda. Toate va imbie sa le incercati pentru o masa sanatoasa si plina de vitamine. Astazi incercam o pasta fina cu arome de primavara.
- 100 grame leurda / 100 grams wild garlic
- 4 linguri mix de seminte / 4 tablespoons seeds mix
- 50 grame cascaval / 50 grams cheese
- 30 grame parmezan / 30 grams parmesan
- 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 50 ml apa minerala / 50 ml mineral water
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Intr-un bol amestecam leurda cu mixul de seminte, branzeturile rase, uleiul de masline si apa. Mixam pana obtinem o crema fina. O distribuim in borcanele pe care le acoperim cu putin ulei de masline si le pastram la frigider.
Detalii video:
Servim sosul pesto ca baza pentru bruschette, ca sos pentru paste sau de ce nu, ca dressing pentru o supa crema.
English version
Wildgarlic Pesto
Have you recently pass to the market? It’s all green … wildgarlic and all types of salad. All you want to try them for a healthy meal full of vitamins. Today we try a fine paste with spring flavors.
In a bowl, mix the wildgarlic with the seeds mix, grated cheese, olive oil and water. Mix until you get a fine cream. Distribute it in jars that we cover with a little olive oil and keep them in the fridge.
Serve the pesto sauce as a base for bruschette, as a pasta sauce or why not, as a dressing for a cream soup.
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