Ce pot face doua maini dibace? Dar ce pot face 6 in ajun de sarbatori?
Evident … ne distram si decoram o casuta de turta dulce.
- 350 grame faina / 350 grams flour
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 200 grame miere / 200 grams honey
- 1 lingurita bicarbonat / 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
- Coaja de portocala / Orange zest
- Condimente pentru turta dulce (scortisoara, cuisoare, ghimbir, anason) / Gingerbread spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, anise)
Intr-un vas incalzim mierea si untul fara a le fierbe. In bolul mixerului punem faina, bicarbonatul, sarea, oul, coaja de portocala si condimentele pentru turta dulce. Turnam amestecul de unt si miere si mixam. Aluatul obtinut il modelam sub forma de bila si il dam la rece timp de 6 – 8 ore.
Pe o planseta infainata intindem aluatul intr-o foaie groasa de 0,5 cm si il decupam cu ajutorul unei forme speciale pentru casuta sau cu forme mici pentru turta dulce.
Biscuitii se coc la 180 grade Celsius timp de 8 minute. Dupa ce se racesc, putem sa trecem la etapa cea mai placuta … decorarea.
… si un rezumat al distractiei 😀
English version:
Gingerbread house & fun
What can two clever hands do? But what can 6 do on the eve of the holidays?
Obviously … we’re having fun and decorating a gingerbread house.
In a bowl heat the honey and butter without boiling it. In the bowl of the mixer put flour, baking soda, salt, egg, orange zest and spices for gingerbread. Pour the butter and honey mixture and mix. Shape the obtained dough in the form of a ball and let it cool for 6-8 hours.
On a floured board, spread the dough in a 0.5 cm thick sheet and cut it with a special shape for the house or with small forms for the gingerbread.
Bake the biscuits at 180 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes. After they cool, we can move on to the most pleasant phase … decoration.