Astazi m-am lasat inspirata de Diva in Bucatarie si am executat un chec cu albusuri si visine.
Cu foarte putine modificari fata de reteta originala, aduc pe masa un desert extrem de aromat. Lamaia, cocosul, migdalele si vanilia vor sublinia si vor pune perfect in valoare visinele.
- 10 albusuri / 10 egg whites
- 375 grame zahar / 375 grams sugar
- 225 grame faina / 225 grams flour
- 75 grame cocos / 75 grams coconut
- 40 grame faina de migdale / 40 grams almond flour
- 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 3 lingurite praf de copt / 3 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 lingurite coaja de lamaie / 2 teaspoons lemon zest
- Sucul de la 1 lime / Juice from 1 lime
- Sare / Salt
- 300 grame visine / 300 grams sour cherry
- 2 linguri gris / 2 tablespoons semolina
Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare. In momentul in care se formeaza spuma incorporam zaharul lingura cu lingura. Adaugam coaja de lamaie, esenta de vanilie, nuca de cocos, faina de migdale si faina amestecand usor cu ajutorul unei linguri. La sfarsit adaugam praful de copt stins in sucul de lime.
Intr-o tava de chec unsa cu putin unt si presarata cu faina, turnam jumatate de compozitie. Adaugam visinele amestecate cu grisul si acoperim cu restul de aluat. Coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 45 de minute.
English version:
Sour Cherry Cake
Today I was inspired by a Diva and I made a cake with egg whites and sour cherries.
With very few changes from the original recipe, I bring an extremely flavoured dessert to the table. Lemon, coconut, almonds and vanilla will emphasize and perfectly highlight the sour cherries.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. When the foam is formed, add the sugar spoon by spoon. Add lemon zest, vanilla essence, coconut, almond flour and flour, stirring lightly with a spoon. At the end add the baking powder mixt in lime juice.
In a cake pan greased with a little butter and sprinkled with flour, pour half of the composition. Add the sour cherries mixed with the semolina and cover with the rest of the dough. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes.
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