Ce gatim rapid pentru o cina din cursul saptamanii? Eu deschid frigiderul si verific ce “resturi” de peste week-end mai exista. Respectam cu sfintenie principiul “reciclam si reducem risipa” si folosim un rest de pui pregatit pe capac. Pregatim un sos usor pe baza de iaurt cu arome subtile de parmezan, frunze de salata verde si toate rulate intr-o lipie calda.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
Pentru sandwich:
- 1/2 piept de pui / 1/2 chicken breast
- salata verde / lettuce
- 2 lipii / 2 pita bread
Pentru sosul Caesar:
- 100 grame iaurt grecesc / 100 grams greek yogurt
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 50 ml ulei de masline / 50 ml olive oil
- 2 bucati file ansoa / 2 anchovies
- 20 grame parmezan ras fin / 20 grams fine grated parmesan
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- Piper / Pepper
Pentru sosul Caesar (varianta “light” 😜), amestecam in bolul blenderului toate ingredientele si le mixam.
Desfacem pieptul de pui in fasii subtiri. Incalzim usor lipiile, adaugam puiul, frunzele de salata verde si sosul Caesar.
Rulam si servim alaturi de un sos Tabasco sau simplu, dupa plac.
English version
What do we cook quickly for a dinner during the week? I usually open the fridge and check what „leftovers” from over the weekend are in the fridge. We respect the principle of „recycle and reduce waste” and use leftover oven chicken. Prepare a light yogurt sauce with subtle aromas of parmesan, lettuce leaves and all rolled in a warm pita bread.
For the Caesar sauce (“light” version 😜), mix all the ingredients in the blender bowl.
Cut the chicken breast into thin strips. Lightly heat the pita bread, add the chicken, the lettuce and the Caesar sauce.
Roll and serve simple or with a Tabasco sauce, as you like.
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