Fancy brunch? De ce nu! Este duminica si ne rasfatam cu gusturi alese: chifla pufoasa cu o coaja crocanta, sos de maioneza cu o tenta usoara de verdeturi, carne la garnita si oua ochiuri. Nu ezitam si servim cu o salata verde desavarsita cu un otet balsamic usor dulceag.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 chifle bagels / 4 bagels
- 200 grame carne la garnita / 200 grams meat cooked in lard
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- Mix de salata verde / Mix green salad
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil
- Otet balsamic / Balsamic vinegar
- Sare / Salt
Pentru sos / For the sauce:
- 2 linguri maioneza de casa / 2 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
- 2 linguri smantana / 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 2 cepe verzi / 2 green onions
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
Pregatim chiflele bagals dupa indicatiile de aici, iar carnea la garnita va recomand sa o pregatiti dupa aceasta reteta.
Pentru sos amestecam maioneza cu smantana, ceapa verde si patrunjelul taiate marunt.
Pentru servire, taiem chiflele bagels in doua, punem cate o lingura de sos pe baza chiflei, carnea calda taiata bucatele mici si deasupra cate un ou ochi. Presaram chilli si servim alaturi de o salata verde cu ulei de masline si otet balsamic.
English version
Fancy brunch? Why not! It’s Sunday and we indulge in selected tastes: fluffy bun with a crispy crust, mayonnaise sauce with a subtile flavour of grean onion and parsley, cooked meat in lard and scrambled eggs. Do not hesitate and serve with a perfect green salad with a slightly sweet balsamic vinegar.
Prepare the bagels buns according to the instructions here, and I recommend you to cook the meat according to this recipe.
For the sauce, mix the mayonnaise with sour cream, green onions and finely chopped parsley.
To serve, cut the bagel buns in half, put a tablespoon of sauce on the base of the bun, cut the hot meat into small pieces and top with an egg. Sprinkle with chilli and serve with a green salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
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