Cu ceva vreme in urma, am incercat acest Halloumi Wrap intr-un restaurant si am ramas cu gandul la el. O combinatie inedita de gusturi si texturi potrivita pentru o cina rapida. Odata ce descoperi halloumi-ul auriu si crocant, optiunile de a-l pune in valoare sunt multiple. Asocierea acestuia cu sos pesto si legume intr-o lipie calda este una dintre cele mai gustoase variante.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 100 grame halloumi / 100 grams halloumi
- 1 lingurita piper cu lime / 1 teaspoon lime pepper
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 4 linguri sos pesto / 4 tablespoons pesto sauce
- 50 grame valeriana / 50 grams lamb lettuce
- 10 rosii cherry / 10 cherry tomatoes
- 40 grame masline / 40 grams olives
- 2 lipii / 2 pita bread

Primul pas este sa desaram putin branza halloumi. Mie personal, de cele mai multe ori mi s-a parut destul de sarata. Asadar o tinem in apa rece timp de 30 de minute si apoi o taiem in bastoane inguste.

Presaram halloumi cu piper si adaugam uleiul de masline. Incingem o tigaie si prajim branza pe ambele parti pana cand este rumenita.
Ungem fiecare lipie cu sos pesto si adaugam valeriana, branza halloumi, rosiile taiate in jumatati si maslinele taiate felii. Rulam lipia si o prajim cateva minute fie in sandwich maker, fie intr-o tigaie.

Servim halloumi wrap alaturi de cartofi dulci copti, ketchup si salata de valeriana cu rodie.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Halloumi Wrap va invit sa incercati si Chicken Caesar Wrap sau un Mici Wrap.
English version
Halloumi Wrap
Some time ago, I tried this Halloumi Wrap served in a restaurant and I was left thinking about it. A unique combination of tastes and textures suitable for a quick dinner.
The first step is to desalt the halloumi cheese a little. Personally, most of the time I find it quite salty. So we keep it in cold water for 30 minutes and then cut it into sticks.
Sprinkle halloumi with pepper and add olive oil. Heat a pan and fry the cheese on both sides until it is browned.
Brush each oita bread with pesto sauce and add lamb lettuce, halloumi cheese, halved tomatoes and sliced olives.
Roll the pita bread and fry it for a few minutes either in a sandwich maker or in a pan.
Serve halloumi wrap with baked sweet potatoes, ketchup and lamb lettuce salad with pomegranate.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Halloumi Wrap recipe, I invite you to try the Chicken Caesar Wrap or a Minced Meat Rolls Wrap.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita