Club Sandwich


Sau “the perfect sandwich”. Cu siguranta multi dintre voi l-ati incercat mai ales in vacante. Eu il asociez cu gustarea rapida servita pe plaja sau pe marginea piscinei alaturi de un pahar cu bere rece.

Acest “double decker”, nici cald, nici rece, cu ingrediente proaspete invelite intr-o paine crocanta desavarsit cu un sos de maioneza usor picant va fi cea mai buna varianta pentru masa de pranz.


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 6 felii de paine toast / 6 toast bread slices
  • 2 felii piept de pui / 2 chicken breast slices
  • 8 felii bacon / 8 bacon slices
  • 1 rosie / 1 tomato
  • Salata verde / Letuce
  • 4 linguri maioneza de casa / 4 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
  • 1 lingura mustar picant / 1 tablespoon spicey mustard

Intr-o tigaie, fara adaos de grasime prajim baconul pe ambele parti. Il scoatem pe o farfurie si il pastram la cald. In grasimea ramasa de la bacon, punem feliile de piept de pui presarate cu sare si le prajim 3-4 minute pe fiecare parte. Scoatem puiul si il pastram la cald langa bacon, dupa care adaugam rosiile feliate si le tinem in tigaie cateva secunde, doar cat sa se incalzeasca putin.

Intre timp, prajim feliile de paine si amestecam maioneza cu mustarul. Pentru asamblare, asezam pe un platou o felie de paine, ungem cu sosul de maioneza, adaugam piept de pui, felii de bacon, a doua felie de paine unsa cu maioneza pe ambele parti, apoi restul de bacon, felii de rosie, salata verde si inchidem cu ultima felie de paine unsa cu sos de maioneza asezata cu fata in jos. Strapungem sandwich-ul cu 4 scobitori si il taiem pe diagonale pentru a obtine 4 mini sandwich-uri.

Servim cu cartofi prajiti si sos ketchup de casa. Eu am pregatit cartofii fara adaos de ulei la Tefal Actifry.

English version

Club Sandwich

Or “the perfect sandwich”. Certainly many of you have tried it especially during the holidays. I associate it with the quick snack served on the beach or by the pool with a glass of cold beer.

This „double decker”, neither hot nor cold, with fresh ingredients wrapped in a crispy bread topped with a slightly spicy mayonnaise sauce will be the best option for lunch.

In a pan, without adding fat, fry the bacon on both sides. Take it out on a plate and keep it warm. In the remaining bacon fat, put the slices of chicken breast sprinkled with salt and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove the chicken and keep it warm next to the bacon, then add the sliced tomatoes and put them in the pan for a few seconds, just enough to warm up a bit.

Meanwhile, toast the slices of bread and mix the mayonnaise with the mustard. For assembly, place a slice of bread on a plate, grease with mayonnaise sauce, add chicken breast, slices of bacon, the second slice of bread greased with mayonnaise on both sides, then the rest of the bacon, tomato slices, lettuce and close with the last slice of bread greased with mayonnaise sauce placed face down. Pierce the sandwich with 4 toothpicks and cut it diagonally to obtain 4 mini sandwiches.

Serve with french fries and homemade ketchup sauce. I prepared the potatoes without the addition of oil at Tefal Actifry.


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