

Iubim sa etichetam tot …. o foaie de hartie pe care lipim un post-it, borcanele cu dulceata din camara, sentimentele noastre, oamenii care ne inconjoara. Totul se rezuma la etichete, totul trebuie sa poarte un nume. Un lucru nu neaparat rau, pentru ca ne ajuta sa avem ordine in viata.

Cei care ma cunosc personal, stiu ca sunt o persoana extrem de organizata si ordonata (excesiv, ar spune altii sau poate chiar aceiasi 😀). Plecand de la aceasta realitate, nu se putea ca in Inspiratie la Fix sa lipseasca ordinea.

Asadar avem etichete … multe etichete. Etichete inspirate, etichete jucause care sa va ajute sa gasiti mai repede preparatele preferate.

De regula acestea sunt similare meniurilor din restaurante … aperitive, feluri principale, deserturi … “old fashion” din punctul meu de vedere … asa ca le-am imbracat in hainute noi si m-am gandit sa le pun in valoare pentru a veni in ajutorul vostru.

Le regasiti in partea de jos a paginii principale sau sub fiecare postare si sunt calea directa catre o calatorie prin gastronomia internationala, printre momentele principale ale unei zile sau printre felurile principale ale unei mese.

Incercati sa porniti din ♥️ Romania, sa va indreptati catre United Tastes of America cu escala in Eataly sau Always Hung(a)ry In drum catre Mexican Fiesta ne oprim sa ne bucuram cu Eviva España sau sa sarbatorim in cel mai cochet mod Vive la France. Ori putem sa alegem ceva Made in China, ceva din bazarul Oriental sau de ce sa nu stam pe plaja cu Zorba’s Food.

Sau poate va inspira mai mult sa va ganditi ce ati alege mai potrivit pentru un mic dejun, brunch, pranz sau cina astfel incat sa va impresionati familia si prietenii.

Putem sa alegem si dintre felurile principale. Aperitivele Nice Beginning, ceva proaspat From the Sea sau ceva bun pentru Meat Lovers, acompaniate de o garnitura Best Friends. Dar nu ratam niciun mic dejun cu EGGStraordinary, sau niste Pasta & Risotto calde. Apoi ne lasa sedusi cu sentimente profunde de Love at First Burger.

Oricum ar fi. … orice eticheta ati alege va fi cu siguranta cea mai delicioasa! 😎

English version


We love to label everything … a sheet of paper on which we stick a label (modern, post-it), the jam jars from the pantry, our feelings, the people around us. Everything comes down to labels, everything has to have a name. Not necessarily a bad thing, because it helps us to have order in life.

Those who know me personally, know that I am an extremely organized person (excessive, others would say or maybe even the same 😀). Starting from this reality, the Inspiration to Fix could not be without order.

So we have labels … many labels. Inspired labels, playful labels to help you find your favorite dishes faster.

Usually they are similar to restaurant menus … appetizers, main courses, desserts … „old fashion” from my point of view … so I dressed them in new clothes and thought of putting them in value to come to your aid.

You can find them at the bottom of the main page or under each post and they are the direct way to a journey through international gastronomy, among the main moments of a day or among the main dishes of a meal.

Try to start from ♥️ Romania, go on to United Tastes of America with a short stop in Eataly or Always Hung(a)ry. On the way to Mexican Fiesta we stop to have fun at Eviva España or to celebrate in the most fancy way Vive la France. You also can choose something Made in China or something from Oriental bazaar or why not to lay down on the beach with Zorba’s Food.

Or maybe you are inspired by choosing the best recipes for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner in order to impress your family or friends.

We also can choose between The appetizer Nice Beginning, something From the Sea or for Meat Lovers, garnished by Best Friends, but we can’t miss EGGStraordinary, some hot Pasta & Risotto or something for strong feelings like Love at First Burger.

Anyway. … whatever label you choose will definitely be the most delicious! 😎


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