Crochete de orez cu cascaval


Crochetele cu cascaval sunt un aperitiv excelent atat pentru mesele festive cat si pentru un pranz in familie. Retetele sunt diverse, de la aluaturi pe baza de faina sau cartofi fierti umplute cu cascaval pana la aceasta varianta din bucataria italiana pe baza de orez.

O idee pentru un aperitiv festiv gasiti aici.


(pentru 12 bucati / for 12 pieces)

  • 100 grame orez prefiert / 100 grams preboiled rice
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • 50 grame parmezan ras / 50 grams grated parmesan
  • 50 grame cascaval / 50 grams cheese
  • 1 lingura pesmet / 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs
  • 2 oua / 2 eggs
  • Faina, pesmet / Flour, breadcrumps
  • Sare/ Salt
  • Ulei / Oil

Punem la fiert 1 litru de apa cu o lingurita de sare. In momentul in care fierbe adaugam punga de orez prefiert si o gatim conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Cand orezul este fiert il rasturnam intr-o sita si il clatim cu multa apa rece. Il lasam la scurs timp de cateva ore, amestecand din cand in cand astfel incat boabele de orez sa nu se lipeasca una de alta.

Intr-un bol amestecam orezul cu oul, parmezanul, sare si lingura de pesmet. Luam cate o cupa de compozitie, o aplatizam, adaugam o bucatica de cascaval si formam bile pe care le trecem prin faina, ou batut, faina si pesmet.

Incingem ulei intr-o tigaie adanca si prajim, la foc mediu, crochetele pana devin aurii.

English version:

Rice & Cheese croquettes

An idea for a festive appetizer can be found here.

Rice & Cheese croquettes are an excellent appetizer for festive meals and also for a family lunch. The recipes are diverse, from flour-based doughs or boiled potatoes stuffed with cheese to this variant of Italian cuisine based on rice.

Boil 1 liter of water with a teaspoon of salt. When it boils, add the bag of pre-cooked rice and cook it according to the instructions on the package. When the rice is cooked, pour it into a sieve and rinse it with plenty of cold water. Let it drain for a few hours, stirring occasionally so that the rice grains do not stick to each other.

In a bowl, mix the rice with the egg, Parmesan cheese, salt and a spoonful of breadcrumbs. Take a cup of composition, flatten it, add a piece of cheese and form balls that we pass through flour, beaten egg, flour and breadcrumbs.

Heat oil in a deep frying pan and fry, over medium heat, the croquettes until golden.


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