Ciorba taraneasca de vacuta


Nelipsita de pe mesele romanilor, ciorba de vacuta este mereu o alegere sanatoasa. Abunda in vitamine si ofera satietate pentru o masa de pranz. Mie personal, imi place aceasta ciorba cu foarte multe legume, acrita cu bors si desavarsita cu arome de leustean si patrunjel verde.


(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)

  • 600 grame carne de vita / 600 grams veal
  • 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
  • 1 radacina patrunjel / 1 parsley root
  • 1 felie de telina / 1 celery slice
  • 1 ceapa alba / 1 white onion
  • 1/2 ardei / 1/2 pepper
  • 2 cartofi / 2 potatoes
  • 4 linguri mazare / 4 tablespoons peas
  • 1/ 4 varza mica/ 1/4 small cabbage
  • 4 linguri fasole verde / 4 tablespoons green beens
  • 2 bucati conopida / 2 cauliflower pieces
  • 1 cana bors / 1 mug borsch
  • 1 cana sos de rosii si ardei / 1 mug tomato & pepper sauce
  • 1 legatura patrunjel verde / 1 bunch green parsley
  • 1 legatura leustean / 1 bunch lovage
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru un succes garantat, trebuie sa alegem o carne de vita de calitate si de asemenea trebuie sa tinem cont de timpii diferiti de fierbere ai legumelor.

Taiem carnea de vita in cubulete mici de aproximativ 2 x 2 cm si o tinem in apa rece 1 – 2 ore, schimband apa din cand in cand. Pentru a fierbe carnea mai repede, eu am ales oala sub presiune. Am pus apa pana la nivelul maxim permis si carnea si am adus-o la punctul de fierbere. Am spumat apa si am adaugat 2 lingurite de sare mare. Am pus capacul si am fiert sub presiune timp de 50 de minute.

Intre timp, taiem toate legumele cubulete, cu exceptia verzei pe care o taiem fasii subtiri, iar conopida o desfacem in bucatele mici.

Dupa ce carnea a fiert, am rasturnat-o impreuna cu supa intr-o oala curata si am mai adaugat 5 cani de apa. In momentul in care a inceput sa fiarba am adaugat morcovii, patrunjelul, telina si ceapa. Fierbem timp de 20 de minute si adaugam ardeii, varza si conopida. Fierbem inca 10 minute si adaugam fasolea verde, mazarea si cartofii. Continuam sa fierbem 15 minute si adaugam sosul de rosii si ardei si borsul. Dupa ce da din nou in clocot adaugam patrunjelul verde si leusteanul tocate marunt si stingem focul.

Servim cu smantana si ardei iute.

Romanian Beef Soup

English version:

Not missing from Romanians’ tables, beef soup is always a healthy choice. It is rich in vitamins and provides satiety for a lunch. Personally, I like this soup with lots of vegetables, soured with borscht and perfect flavored with lovage and green parsley.

For a guaranteed success, we must choose a quality beef and we must also take into account the different cooking times of vegetables.

Cut the beef into small cubes of about 2 x 2 cm and keep it in cold water for 1-2 hours, changing the water from time to time. To cook the meat faster, I chose to cook it in a pressure cooker. I put the water up to the maximum level and the meat and brought it to the boil. I frothed the water and added 2 teaspoons of gross salt. I put the lid on and cooked under pressure for 50 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut all the vegetables into cubes, except the cabbage, which we cut into thin strips, and also, cut the cauliflower into small pieces.

After the meat was cooked, I turned it over with the soup in a clean pot and added 5 cups of water. When it started to boil I added carrots, parsley, celery and onion. Boil for 20 minutes and add peppers, cabbage, cauliflower. Boil for another 10 minutes and add the green beans, peas and potatoes. Boil for 15 minutes and add the tomato and pepper sauce and borscht. After boiling again, add the finely chopped green parsley and lovage and turn off the heat.

Serve with sour cream and hot peppers.


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