Tartar de avocado


Extrem de gustos si aspectuos, acest tartar de avocado va impresiona pe toata lumea. Dar care este secretul combinatiei perfecte?Un avocado bine copt, rosii gustoase si un ulei de masline de calitate.


(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)

  • 1 avocado / 1 avocado
  • 6 rosii cherry / 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion
  • 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic cloves
  • 1 lingura suc de lamaie / 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • sare / salt

Pentru a avea un avocado bine si corect copt, va recomand ca imediat ce il cumparati sa il puneti intr-o punga de hartie la temperatura camerei pentru 2-3 zile pana cand avocado devine usor moale. In acest moment, il mutam in frigider si il mai pastram maxim o saptamana.

Taiem avocado in doua si apoi cu ajutorul unei linguri il desprindem de pe coaja. Il taiem apoi cubulete mici pe care le stropim imediat cu sucul de lamaie. Adaugam ceapa taiata cubulete, sarea si o lingura de ulei de masline.

In alt bol, taiem rosiile cubulete, adaugam sare, usturoi strivit si o lingura de ulei de masline.

Cu ajutorul unui inel, montam preparatul: un strat de avocado, un strat de rosii si decoram cu busuioc proaspat.

Cum putem pune preparatul in valoare? Simplu … intr-un platou mix de aperitive, a carui inspiratie o gasiti aici.

English version:

Avocado tartar

Extremely tasty and good-looking, this avocado tartar will impress everyone. But what is the secret of the perfect combination: a perfect avocado, tasty tomatoes and a quality olive oil.

In order to have a well and properly avocado, I recommend that as soon as you buy it, put it in a paper bag at room temperature for 2-3 days until the avocado becomes slightly soft. At this point, move it to the refrigerator and keep it for a maximum of one week.

Cut the avocado in half and then with a spoon remove it from the peel. Cut it into small cubes which, immediately sprinkle with lemon juice. Add diced onions, salt and a tablespoon of olive oil.

In another bowl, cut the tomatoes into cubes, add salt, crushed garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Using a ring, assemble the tartar: a layer of avocado, a layer of tomatoes and decorate with fresh basil.

How can we value the preparation? Simple … in a set of appetizers, whose inspiration you can find here.


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