Sau sarmalute grecesti…. parfum de menta, aroma de lamaie… servite reci alaturi de un sos racoros de iaurt.

Tradional sunt servite ca aperitiv sub forma unor platouri generoase de mezze.

- 30 foi vita de vie oparite / 30 vine leaves boiled
- 100 grame orez / 100 grams rice
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 onion
- 1 legatura ceapa verde / 1 bunch green onion
- 1 legatura marar / 1 bunch dill
- 6 frunze de menta / 6 mint leaves
- 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoon olive oil
- Sucul de la o jumatate de lamaie / Juice from a half of a lemon
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper

Taiem ceapa alba marunt si o calim usor in 3 linguri de ulei de masline. Adaugam ceapa verde taiata marunt si continuam sa calim 2 minute la foc mic. Adaugam orezul clatit si lasam pe foc inca 5 minute amestecand din cand in cand. Adaugam o cana de apa fiarta si lasam pe foc pana cand apa este absorbita total. Dam deoparte si lasam sa se raceasca usor. Adaugam menta, mararul taiat, sare si piper.

Intr-o cratita punem 3 linguri ulei de masline si acoperim cratita cu foi de vita de vie. Luam cate o lingurita de orez si umplem foile de vita, avand grija sa sigilam bine capetele. Asezam sarmalele in straturi in cratita. Acoperim si presam usor sarmalele cu o farfurie intoarsa invers astfel incat sa nu se desfaca la fiert. Turnam deasupra sucul de lamaie si o cana de apa fierbinte. Fierbem sarmalele sub capac pana cand apa si sucul de lamaie sunt absorbite.
Le servim calde sau reci cu iaurt grecesc si ulei de masline.

English version:
Greek appetizer …. mint and lemon flavor … served cold with a cool yogurt sauce.
Traditionally are served like a mezze platte.
Chop the white onion and lightly fry it in 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add finely chopped green onions and continue to cook for 2 minutes on low heat. Add the rinsed rice and let it simmer for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add a cup of boiled water and leave on the fire until the water is completely absorbed. Set aside and let cool slightly. Add mint, chopped dill, salt and pepper.
In a small pot put 3 tablespoons olive oil and cover the pan with vine leaves. Take a teaspoon of rice and fill the vine leaves, taking care to seal the ends well. Place the dolmades in layers in the pan. Cover and lightly press the stuffed cabbage with a plate turned upside down so that it does not open when boiled. Pour lemon juice and a cup of hot water on top. Boil the stuffed cabbage under the lid until the water and lemon juice are absorbed.
Serve them hot or cold with Greek yogurt and olive oil.
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