Fougasse este o paine de baza din regiunea Provence din Franta, similara cu focaccia italiana. Toata lumea adora sa rupa bucati mari din ea și sa le inmoaie, in stil italian, in ulei de masline sau alte sosuri pe baza de ulei de masline.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 450 grame faina alba / 450 grams white flour
- 50 grame gris / 50 grams semolina
- 300 ml apa calda / 300 ml warm water
- 7 grame drojdie uscata / 7 grams dry yeast
- 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 100 grame masline / 100 grams olives
- 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil

In bolul mixerului punem faina cernuta, drojdia, mierea si apa calduta. Mixam pana cand obtinem un aluat omogen, adaugam sarea si apoi o lingura de ulei de masline. Framantam timp de 5 minute si adaugam oregano si maslinele taiate felii. Lasam la dospit intr-un bol acoperit, timp de 2 ore.
Cand aluatul si-a dublat volumul, il rasturnam pe un blat infainat si il modelam intr-o foaie groasa de 2 cm. Cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit, taiem aluatul pe centru, iar apoi facem cateva taieturi laterale. Mutam painica intr-o tava de copt si o mai lasam la dospit o ora, acoperita cu un prosop.
Incingem cuptorul la 240 grade Celsius si introducem in cuptor un vas mic cu apa. Cand cuptorul este incins, reducem temperatura la 200 grade Celsius si introducem tava cu painea. Coacem timp de 25 de minute. Cand este frumos rumenita o scoatem pe un gratar si o ungem cu o lingura de ulei de masline.

Servim cu un platou mix italian. Gasiti inspiratia aici.
English version:
Olive & Oregano Fougasse
Fougasse is a bread from the Provence region of France, similar to Italian focaccia. Everyone loves to break large pieces of it and soak it, in Italian style, in olive oil or other sauces based on olive oil.
In the bowl of the mixer we put flour, yeast, honey and warm water. Mix until you get a homogeneous dough, add salt and then a tablespoon of olive oil. Knead for 5 minutes and add oregano and sliced olives. Leave to rise in a covered bowl for 2 hours.
When the dough has doubled in volume, turn it over on a floured table and shape it into a 2 cm thick sheet. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough in the center, and then make a few side cuts. Move the bread in a baking tray and leave it to rise for another hour, covered with a towel.
Preheat the oven to 240 degrees Celsius and put a small bowl of water in the oven. When the oven is hot, reduce the temperature to 200 degrees Celsius and insert the bread tray. Bake for 25 minutes. When it is nicely browned, take it out on a grill and grease it with a tablespoon of olive oil.
Serve with an Italian mix platter. Find inspiration here.
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