Fursecuri cu ovaz


Sunteti in cautarea unui mic dejun energizant? Sau poate a unei gustari rapide care sa va tina de foame pana la masa de pranz?

Atunci trebuie sa incercati aceste fursecuri fara zahar si faina.


  • 4 linguri de ovaz / 4 tablespoons oat
  • 4 linguri unt de migdale Sweeteria/ 4 tablespoons almond butter Sweeteria
  • 2 linguri merisoare / 2 tablespoons cranberry
  • 1 lingurita Dulcisor Sweeteria / 1 teaspoon sweetener
  • Scortisoara / Cinnamon
  • Vanilie / Vanilla
  • Sare / Salt

Amestecam intr-un bol ovazul, untul de migdale, merisoarele, indulcitorul, un varf de cutit de scortisoara, 2 picaturi de esenta de vanilie si un praf de sare. Formam bile cu diametru de 2 cm si le asezam pe tava acoperita cu hartie de copt. Le presaram usor si le coacem timp de 10 minute in cuptorul incins la 180 grade. Le lasam la racit pe un gratar.

Eu le-am servit cu o dulceata de visine si zmeura fara zahar si un iaurt.

English version:

Are you looking for an energizing breakfast? Or maybe a quick snack to keep you hungry until lunch?

Then you should try these cookies no sugar and no flour.

Mix in a bowl the oats, almond butter, cranberries, sweetener, a pinch of cinnamon knife, 2 drops of vanilla essence and a pinch of salt. Form balls with a diameter of 2 cm and place them on the tray covered with baking paper. Sprinkle lightly and bake for 10 minutes in the oven heated to 180 degrees. Let them cool on a grill.

I served them with a sour cherry and raspberries jam “no sugar” and a yogurt.


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