Greek Mezze


Astazi este despre … Mezze, celebrele platouri de aperitive grecesti. Pana vom ajunge din nou pe meleagurile insorite ale Greciei, ne putem desfata gusturile in bucataria noastra.

Pita, buyurdi, tzatiki, vinete cu feta, salata greceasca si celebrele “dolmades” cu sos de iaurt vor fi o incantare pentru oricine.

Antreurile sunt, de regula, gustari mici cu care incepe fiecare masa. Insa avand in vedere consistenta lor, putem sa le transformam intr-un pranz sau de ce nu, intr-o cina.

La baza platoului avem ingrediente mediteraneene: iaurt, ulei de masline, feta asociate cu multe legume.

Ingrediente de calitate putem sa gasim la magazinele grecesti si chiar si la supermarket-uri.

In urmatoarele postari va voi prezenta retele de baza pentru acest platou.

Asadar, ramaneti aproape de Inspiratie la Fix pentru a va simti putin mai aproape de Grecia.

English version:

Today it’s about … Mezze, the famous Greek appetizer platters. Until we reach the sunny lands of Greece again, we can enjoy the tastes in our kitchen.

Pita, buyurdi, tzatiki, eggplant with feta, Greek salad and the famous „dolmades” with yogurt sauce will be a delight for anyone.

The entrees are usually small snacks. But given their consistency, we can turn them into a lunch or why not, into a dinner.

At the base of the plate we have Mediterranean ingredients: yogurt, olive oil, feta associated with many vegetables.

We can find quality ingredients in Greek stores and even in supermarkets.

In the following posts, I will present the recipes for this set.

So stay close to “Inspiration la Fix” to feel a little closer to Greece.


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