Nimic mai simplu, nimic mai gustos.
Pe baza de iaurt, tzatiki este extrem de versatil putand sa il servim simplu cu cateva felii de paine integrala cu seminte…
… sau acompaniat de alte aperitive intr-un platou de “Greek Mezze” sau la felul principal alaturi de carne si legume.
- 250 grame iaurt grecesc / 250 grams greek yogurt
- 1 castravete mic / 1 small cucumber
- 2 – 3 catei de usturoi / 2 – 3 garlic cloves
- 3 linguri ulei masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 lingurita otet / 1 teaspoon vinegar
- Sare / Salt
Punem iaurtul la scurs timp de 2 ore (sau chiar peste noapte). Eu folosesc o hartie pentru filtrul de cafea asezata intr-o sita. Aceasta baza de iaurt o puteti folosi si pentru celebrele turkish eggs.
Intre timp curatam castravetele si il dam pe razatoarea mare. Presaram cu sare si lasam cateva minute. Apoi il presam cu mana astfel incat sa indepartam tot lichidul.
Amestecam iaurtul scurs, castravetii, usturoi zdrobit, uleiul de masline, otetul si sare dupa gust.
Servim cu ulei de masline si multa pofta!
English version:
Nothing simpler, nothing tastier.
Based on yogurt, tzatiki is extremely versatile and we can easily serve it with a few slices of wholemeal bread …
… or accompanied by other appetizers in a „Greek Mezze” platter or for a main course with meat and vegetables.
Drain the yogurt for 2 hours (or even overnight). I use a coffee filter paper placed in a sieve. You can also use this yogurt base for the famous turkish eggs.
Meanwhile, peel the cucumber and grate it. Sprinkle with salt and leave for a few minutes. Then press with hands in order to remove all liquid.
Mix the drained yogurt, cucumbers, crushed garlic, olive oil, vinegar and salt.
Serve with olive oil and appetite!
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