Hai cu micii de 1 Decembrie! Sarbatorim Romania, sarbatorim romanii cu o reteta inedita… Mici Wrap! Si de nu? Pentru ca ne place creativitatea in bucatarie si din cand in cand ne lasam dusi de val si alegem sa dam o alta forma preparatelor traditionale romanesti, bucurandu-ne insa de gustul clasic al acestora.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 8 mici / 8 minced meat rolls
- 8 lingurite mustar / 8 teaspoons mustard
- 4 lipii / 4 pita bread
- Salata verde / Lettuce
- 1 kg cartofi / 1 kg potatoes
Primul pas este sa pregatim cartofii prajiti. Eu am ales sa ii pregatesc in Tefal Actifry, folosind doar o lingura de ulei.
Intre timp pregatim wrap-ul. Pe fiecare lipie intindem cate 2 mici intr-un strat subtire. Incingem o tigaie si prajim fiecare lipie (cu carnea in jos) timp de 3 minute la foc mediu. Rasturnam lipia pe o farfurie, ungem carnea cu cate 2 lingurite de mustar si adaugam cartofii prajiti si salata verde taiata fasii.
Servim wrap-up cu mici alaturi de cartofi prajiti si obligatoriu, o bere rece.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Mici Wrap, va invit sa incercati si alte preparate romanesti: Ciolan Afumat cu Legume Coapte, o Ciorba de Fasole in Paine sau niste Coaste de Porc cu Cimbru.
English version
Minced Meat Rolls Wrap
Let’s celebrate 1st of December! We celebrate Romania, we celebrate the Romanians with an original recipe… Minced Meat Rolls Wrap. And why not? Because we like creativity in the kitchen and from time to time we choose to give a different form to traditional Romanian dishes, enjoying their classic taste.
The first step is to prepare the fried potatoes. I chose to prepare them in the Tefal Actifry, using only a spoonful of oil.
In the meantime, prepare the wrap. On each pita bread, spread 2 meat rolls in a thin layer. Heat a pan and fry each pita (meat side down) for 3 minutes on medium heat. Turn the pita over on a plate, smear the meat with 2 teaspoons of mustard each and add the fried potatoes and green salad cut into strips.
Serve the wrap-up with small fried potatoes and, of course, a cold beer.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Minced Meat Rolls Wrap recipe, I invite you to try other Romanian dishes: Smoked Hock with Baked Vegetables, a Bean Soup in Bread or some Pork Ribs with Thyme.
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