Credinta, lumina si caldura in suflet! Sarbatori cu liniste si pace va dorim tuturor!
Astazi ne bucuram si petrecem alaturi de cei dragi. Avem cate putin din toate pe masa imbelsugata, plina de culoare.
Incepem dimineata tarzie, cu un brunch pe masura.
Oua frumos colorate, legume, branzeturi, drob de miel si alte bunataturi.
Incheiem brunch-ul cu o tarta delicioasa cu smantana, portocale si lamai confiate alaturi de o salata de fructe proaspete.
Desavarsim ziua cu o friptura de miel gatita lent cu cartofi si morcovi copti in unt, mujdei de usturoi verde si o salata cu legume de primavara.
Sarbatori cu bine alaturi de cei dragi!
English version
Happy Easter!
Faith, light and warmth in the soul! We wish you all a holiday of peace!
Today we are happy to spend time with our loved ones. We choose a little bit of everything on the rich, colorful table.
Start late in the morning, with a perfect brunch. Beautifully colored eggs, vegetables, cheeses, lamb and other goodies.
We end the brunch with a delicious tart with sour cream, candied oranges and lemons and a fresh fruit salad.
We end the day with a slow-cooked lamb steak with potatoes and carrots baked in butter, green garlic sauce and a salad with spring vegetables.