Unul dintre cele mai bune aperitive este labneh. Sosul cremos si delicios pe baza de iaurt nu trebuie sa lipseasca de la nicio masa libaneza.
- 250 grame iaurt / 250 grams yogurt
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 10 frunze de menta / 10 mint leaves
- Sumak / Sumak
- Sare / Salt
Secretul unui labneh delicios este iaurtul bine scurs. Dupa ce scurgem iaurtul, il punem intr-un bol si adaugam uleiul de masline, sumak-ul, sarea si frunzele de menta taiate marunt. Servim cu ulei de masline si sumak.
English version:
One of the best appetizers is labneh. The creamy and delicious yogurt-based sauce should not be missing from any Lebanese meal.
The secret of a delicious labneh is well drained yogurt. After draining the yogurt, put it in a bowl and add the olive oil, sumak, salt and finely chopped mint leaves. Serve with olive oil and sumak.
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