Cheesecake original, cheescake cu fructe sau cu caramel… desigur. Doar ca de aceasta data avem cream cake. Da, da … ati citit bine! O prajitura cu multa smantana, fina si aromata cu coaja de portocala si lamaie confiata.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 kg smantana minim 25% grasime / 1 kg sour cream minimum 25% fat
- 8 oua / 8 eggs
- 8 linguri zahar / 8 tablespoons sugar
- 4 linguri gris / 4 tablespoons semolina
- 6 linguri faina / 6 tablespoons flour
- 2 linguri esenta de vanilie / 2 tablespoons vanilla flavour
- 8 linguri coaja de portocale si lamaie confiata / 8 tablespoons candied orange and lemon
- 1 praf de sare / A pinch of salt
- Aluat fraged de tarta / Tart dough
Reteta aluatului de tarta o gasiti aici. Practic, avem nevoie de jumatate din aluatul fraged pe care il obtinem. Cu ceea ce ramane putem executa o tarta panacotta sau putem ingheta aluatul pentru a-l folosi in viitor la alta reteta.
Ungem o forma de tort cu putin unt si asezam o foaie de aluat fraged. Coacem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute.
Intre timp pregatim crema de smantana. Batem albusurile spuma cu un praf de sare. Intr-un alt bol mixam galbenusurile cu zaharul. Adaugam apoi faina, grisul, coaja confiata de portocale si lamaie taiata cubulete, vanilia si smantana. Apoi incorporam usor albusurile batute spuma.
Turnam crema peste foaia de aluat si coacem prajitura timp de 80 de minute la 170 grade Celsius. Stingem focul si mai lasam 10 minute in cuptor, apoi dupa racire, introducem in frigider pana a doua zi.
Servim cu fructe si multa pofta.
English version
Original cheesecake, fruit or caramel cheesecake … of course. But this time we have cream cake. Yes, yes … you read that right! A cake with lots of sour cream, fine and flavored with orange and lemon peel candied.
The recipe for the tart dough can be found here. Basically, we need half of the dough we get. With what’s left, make a panacotta tart or we can freeze the dough to use it in another recipe in the future.
Grease a cake tin with a small quantity of butter and place a sheet of tender dough. Bake in a hot oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the sour cream cake. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. In another bowl, mix the yolks with the sugar. Then add flour, semolina, orange peel and diced lemon, vanilla and sour cream. Then lightly incorporate the beaten egg whites.
Pour the cream over the sheet of dough and bake the cake for 80 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Turn off the heat and leave for another 10 minutes in the oven, then leave to cool and put in the fridge until the next day.
Serve with fruit and lots of appetite.
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