Omleta de ochiuri … aparent un joc de cuvinte, in fapt o idee geniala pentru a pregati ouale de prepelita. De cele mai multe ori, cand pregatim ouale de prepelita, pana reusim sa spargem ultimul ou, primul este deja prea gatit. Asadar, sa improvizam! Ce ar fi daca am pune toate ouale in acelasi timp la prajit? Se gatesc toate deodata si avem ochiuri perfecte cu forma de omleta 🍳🍳🍳.
(pentru 1 portie / for 1 serving)
- 8 oua de prepelita / 8 quail eggs
- 1 lingurita ulei de masline / 1 teaspoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Primul pas este sa spalam foarte bine ouale de prepelita. Apoi le spargem intr-o farfurie. Pentru a pastra ouale intregi, va recomand sa le spargeti in zona bazei si nu in partea de mijloc asa cum procedam la oul de gaina.
Incingem uleiul intr-o tigaie si rasturnam ouale. Presaram sare si prajim pana cand albusul este bine inchegat. Daca nu va place galbenusul moale, puteti sa mai lasati pe foc 1 minut in plus.
Servim omleta de ochiuri alaturi de bacon prajit si salata de rosii.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut Omleta de ochiuri, va recomand sa incercati si o Shakshuka Mexicana cu oua de prepelita sau de ce nu, niste oua de prepelita marinate.
English version
Fried Eggs Omlette
Fried Eggs omlette… apparently a play with words, actually a brilliant idea to prepare quail eggs. Most of the time, when we prepare quail eggs, by the time we crack the last egg, the first one is already overcooked. So, I had to improvise. What if I fried all the eggs at once? They are all cooked in the same time and we have perfect omelette-shaped 🍳🍳🍳.
The first step is to wash the quail eggs very well. Then break them in a plate. In order not to break the yolk, I recommend that you break them in the area of the base and not in the middle, as we do with the chicken egg.
Heat the oil in a pan and flip the eggs. Sprinkle salt and fry until the egg white is well set. If you don’t like the soft yolk, you can cook for 1 more minute.
Serve the omlette with fried bacon and tomato salad.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked Fried Eggs Omlette, I recommend you also try a Mexican Shakshuka with quail eggs or why not, some marinated quail eggs.
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