Tot din ciclul #alegemlocal, astazi avem oua de prepelita de la Prepelitele lui Dan. Cu alte ocazii, le-am pus in valoare intr-un platou romanesc sau in celebrele bagels. Incercam ceva nou si alegem oua de prepelita dulci-picante acompaniate de legume marinate.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 24 oua de prepelita / 24 quail eggs
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 1/2 ardei gras rosu / 1/2 red pepper
- 4 ardei picanti uscati / 4 dried hot peppers
- 500 ml apa / 500 ml water
- 100 ml otet / 100 ml vinegar
- 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
- 20 grame sare / 20 grams salt
- 1 lingurita boabe de mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
- 1 lingurita boabe de piper / 1 teaspoon pepper seeds
Spalam bine ouale de prepelita si le punem la fiert. Din momentul in care incep sa fiarba le lasam 7 minute. Le punem apoi in apa rece si le curatam … cu multa rabdare … 🙃
Intre timp, taiem ceapa si ardeiul in felii subtiri. Aranjam in borcane ouale, legumele feliate si ardeii iuti (daca nu agreati gustul picant, puteti renunta).
Separat, fierbem apa cu otetul, sarea, zaharul, boabele de mustar si de piper. Turnam amestecul fierbinte in borcane peste oua si legume. Punem capacul si lasam la temperatura camerei pana cand se racesc, apoi mutam borcanele in frigider. Pot fi servite dupa 4-5 zile.
Servim ouale marinate simple alaturi de o felie de paine prajita, pe platouri de aperitive sau sub forma de salata alaturi de alte verdeturi si/sau legume.
English version
Marinated quail eggs
Also from the #chooselocal tradition, today we have quail eggs from Prepelitele lui Dan. On other occasions, I highlighted them in a Romanian platter or in the famous bagels. We try something new and choose sweet-spicy quail eggs accompanied by marinated vegetables.
Wash the quail eggs well and boil them. From the moment they start to boil, leave them for 7 minutes. Put them in cold water and peel them … with a lot of patience … 🙃
Meanwhile, cut the onion and pepper into thin slices. Arrange in jars eggs, sliced vegetables and hot peppers (if you do not like the spicy taste, you can give up).
Separately, boil water with vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard seeds and pepper. Pour the hot mixture into jars over eggs and vegetables. Put the lid on and leave at room temperature until cool, then leave the jars to cool for 4-5 days.
Serve the quail as simple marinated eggs with a slice of toast, on appetizer plates or in salad with other greens and / or vegetables.
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